OK big big changes in my diet plan. I went and saw my Dietician/nutritionalist and after testing I now know my scales have not been wrong and I have been losing muscle mass over fat.

Also my base metabolic rate (some weird breathy machine i blew into tested it) is lower than low low low.
Well poop. She asked me if I was starving myself (anorexic or bulimic....sheesh) and I said no that I was on a VLCD ( I did not really expect her to understand). She had a look at my shakes and was at least happy that I was not malnourished while "starving". She is not totally against VLCD's in extreme health cases. She mentioned people who were severely overweight- as in 100 or more lbs and needed surgery soon and to drop lbs quickly to make that safe. Well I only had about 60 lbs to lose to begin with. She gave me a ton of info and then left the ball in my court.
I could stick with the vlcd, risk my metabolism dropping even further and then struggle with regain as soon as I pop some food in my mouth when I am over the SS part of CD. Losing a ton of muscle and keeping fat will not be good for my metabolism. OR I can follow a diet she layed out for me... 7 meals a day between 250-300 calories per meal. She sais I will be gaining weight the first 2-3 weeks while my metabolism revs back up but she more or less swore that I would be losing up to 2 lbs a week just on the diet and could lose more with exercise.
So I have decided to go for the eating and 2 lbs a week instead of being hungry and grumpy,cold,and moody and losing 3-4 lbs a week...alot of which is the muscle that I want to keep.
I am kinda upset as I really wanted to look soooooooper sexy and hot for new years, but in the end I want how I look and feel to be for the rest of my life and not just for one night after which I fall back into old habits. I don't want life to only be "on SS" and then gaining weight back and then having to go back onto SS ( I have read alot of that happening here and kudos to the few who are or have managed to stabilize for more than a year after finishing SSing......I just can honestly say that I would most likely NOT be one of those and the word yo-yo will no longer be in my diet plans!).
I think I have made the right decision....even if I am going to gain back a whole ton of weight at the start

.... I am not going to get on the scale until a month from now... hopefully that will get me back to where I am now but with a better body fat percentage.
What a bumpy road.... I just want to be thin and gorgeous dahling!!!!
So today I ATE. I also have supplements I am taking.3 alive vitamins -and 3 flax seed, borage, and fish oil mix- 3 Cla caps all taken through the day.
heres what I got to eat today!!!!
Meal 1 8 am
1/2 cup oatmeal
1/4 cup almonds
1 cup soy milk
meal 2 10 am
250 cal mint chocolate protein bar
meal 3 12pm
Italian rice
1/2 cup brown/wild rice mix
1 cup mixed veg (zucchini, onion, red peppers,mushrooms)
1 cup Quorn tenders
1/4 cup tomato sauce
meal 4 2pm
Coconut and chocolate protein bar 250 cals
meal 5 4pm
Quorn pattie on whole grain bread w/ spinach and tomato
meal 6 6 pm
Shirataki noodle stir fry
1 cup Shirataki noodles
1 cup mixed veggies (carrots, cabbage, onions, broccoli, mushrooms and sprouts)
5 tablespoons schezuan sauce
1 cup quorn pieces
Meal 7 8pm ( have still to have this one in an hour)
Hot Chocolate protein shake
Been quite the day going from eating just shakes to now eating TONS. I also got in some exercise. 30 min swim and 30 min on my gazelle. also 30 min at the gym. I will be trying to get in 1 hour of cardio a day and working out at the gym to build back some muscle and burn more of my faty fat 3-4 times a week (alternating one week 3x and the next 4 x).
I am feeling overwhelmed, but also happy to be eating again. I will keep everyone posted. And will still be lurking in everyone journals spurring on all the successes i see.