Tasha- The way my dietician explained to me is that no matter what, your brain NEEDS so many amount of calories in Carbs to function.. it does not get carbs from fat, but rather from breaking down glycogen stored in muscles and then eventually from breaking down the muscle itself. Less muscle in your body require less calories and further puts your body into a starvation mode so any extra calories you do get are stored right away as fat to maintain other vital organs. In starvation mode your body metabolism slows down and its harder and harder to lose weight even if only eating minimal calories a day... Your body stops heating your extremeties to preserve energy and keep vital organs warm and functioning ( and I know I was cold ALLLLLL the time)... Eventually things like skin nails and hair will slow to almost no growth ( with hair it gets thin looking as the 100 hairs that naturally fall out everyday never get replaced with new hair) after hearing the dietician mentioned all these things to me and reading about how things like the hair stuff is happening to people on here and that I was already frozen all the time.. well for me it just did not seem worth it. If I am going to go bald its going to be from coloring it to much!!!

Having proof my metabolism was so darn low from the breath test just sealed the deal.
Also she said to go less on BMI and more on body fat. You could be 130 lbs and have a healthy BMI but still have a body full of fat or you could be the same weight and BMI and be full of lean muscle. Have more muscle...have a higher base metabolic rate... get to eat more food!
Gemma... if CD works for you and your goals then stick with it! I thought CD was great for reaching my goals super fast ( I had already lost 20 lbs in less than a month) I just don't want to go through this along with the health risks and then have to restrict to 1000-1500 calories AFTER the SSing and feel like food is my enemy or end up gaining a ton back and then having to go through it all again and keep feeling like a failure. How many times did I have to fight with myself and tell myself I was not really hungry when really my body WAS. I just don't want my relationship with food to be a negative one. But thats just my body on CD... Look at some of the amazing results people like Mike (ice moose) have had on this diet. Hes lost loads and kept it off! Its why I tried CD in the first place. But on average most people I read about are strugglers and restarters... "I lost 4 stone last year and put most of it back on so am ssing again..etc etc" seems much more common. Its just not the right plan for me and my long term weight, fitness, and health goals (even though I must admit I would LOVE to be the skinny maniny I want to be by January 1st)
This new eating plan is actually great for me- I have always WANTED to eat all the time and only recently when I increased portions did that become an issue for me ( snacking all day on cheese and then having 3 big meals with whine will add on the lbs...).. my dietician said some people are built to be grazers eating every 2 hours and others more bigger meal eaters eating every 4-5 hours. All depends on the individual. For me it has been fairly easy to follow eating every 2 hours as i am inclined to want to do that anyway

( its only day 2 so we will see) but it was tailored by my dietician with my body build and needs in mind so not sure if it would work for everyone. I already feel less fuzzy headed and am warm for the first time in 2 weeks without having to soak in a steaming hot tub!

and I know its most likely more info than needed, but how nice to poop more than just a few pellets if at all again!
Funny that the Cinnamon is beneficial!!! I did not even question why I got to have it... just thought for flavor instead of sugar

Maybe it is because its actually good for me!
3 of my meals are 1/2 cup pasta or rice (or 1-2 cups shiritaki as it has only 20 cals per 1/2 cup serving) or 2 slices of whole wheat whole grain bread
1 cup lean white meat protein (I chose quorn)
1 cup mostly green mixed veg
I can mix and match so it works out great as I have unlimited options if I want or I can just stick to basics if I am feeling like straying.
Breakfast is always 1/2 cup oats with 1/4 cup nuts and 1 cup soy milk or 1 tbls lecithin and cinnamon ( carbs to keep the brain from starving...which is actually what causes the muscle wastage.... must learn and remember that carbs are not all bad.....)
For snacks I have 250 calorie shakes or drinks that are 40% protein 40% carb and 20% fat.
I supplement with the alive vitamin (which has a crazy ton of alot of good stuff in it!
Cla (she said it would help me maintaine muscle while losing the fat)
And omega 3 6 and 9 oils all in one pill.
And of course TONS of water!!!!!
Its been pretty good sofar for me. I certainly don't feel hungry, and knowing I can eat every 2 hours is fantastic!!!!!!
Todays menu is looking like this:
8 am
1/2 cup oats
1 cup soy milk
1 tlbs lecithin
10 am
peanut butter bar
12 pm
chicken Marsala curry
1/2 cup brown rice
1 cup quorn tenders
1 cup veg ( onion, green peppers, cauliflower)
4 tablespoons tika Marsala simmer sauce
2 pm
Vanilla protein drink
4 pm
Quorn pattie with arugula and tomatoes on whole wheat bread
6 PM
Veg chilli
1/2 cup brown rice
1 cup "ground beef" quorn
1 cup chopped tomatoes green chillies and onions
2 tablespoons 5 alarm chilli spices
8 pm
hot chocolate shake
Its nice to be cooking again as well.. I really missed that. AND I am going to my fave Lebanese place again next week and get to have the rice and tuns dish as it fits into my plan!!!!! Woooooooooooooohooooooooo!
I am soo running on blind faith in this working at the moment... it just seems so contrary to how I would lose weight... eating this often... So obviously still have my doubts, but enjoying the food!
Oh and the GREATEST thing is once every 2 weeks I get to double my calories and eat more or less as much as I want (of the healthy stuff.. no big chocky attack) to sooper rev my metabolism and keep me from hitting a platue! I can't wait.
So my goals have now changed I suppose. Around 115-120 fit and healthy lbs by April instead of January. But then I will be staying at that weight forever!
I was also good and did my cardio today. Went for a nice long 1 hour power walk as it was so nice out and left the indoor swimming for a day when its icky and rainy out. NO weight today, but will be doing em again tomorrow. My body is not all to sore, but I am starting out fairly light. Found out that after doing weight you metabolism goes up and stays up for 39 hours post workout!!!! WOW! Cardio revs it up as well, but only for 4-6 hours...Still a boost is a boost! I like the idea of burning more calories sitting here and typing just cuz I walked earlier.
Off to clean the house up a bit and then going out to the amusement park with some friends.... Spooky haunted houses are all around for Halloween!!!!!