Yes I think it is what I need to keep me focused, I keep telling myself I need to do this for something I want so badly but I n eed to train myself to stop the self distruct when I feel down about it all - bit like a viscious circle at the moment which I why I think by going to class I will be able to visualise the losses and give me the insentitive to push harder.
Did you have much to lose for treatment? xx
mummywillbe said:Hey hun was just learking when your comment popped up!
Been a rough few days was all booked in for my bloods as * was two weeks late but she made an appearance ? and hubby had loads of changes at work we were worrying about but fingers crossed that will be ok
Been good food wise but now the witch has showed her face I'm more determined to get this weight shifted and start them tablets
How's things going your end I will pop over to your diary in a mo I'm currently seeking dinner ideas lol x