Journey to a slimmer me

Ah missus, have you tried the flapjacks before? If not word of warning try eating your trainer first as it's a similar consistency lol

I've noticed if I let it get to the stage I'm hungry the idea makes me sick. Have you tried making them like mousse or ice cream? It can break the monotony..

Time is funny on this as sometimes it feels like it's going backwards and others you can't believe it's another week over and more lbs down.

Food is so much a part of our social and emotional existence, this short period is teaching us how to control it. While inside every fat girl there's a skinny one ready to get out for us we need to understand every day when we're off this inside us when we're skinny will be a fat girl trying to get out..
Yeah had the flap jacks before yes they were disgusting but I'm gonna need one for the hen do I go to and might just need one in the meantime to chew.
I didn't really like the chicken soup but to break the week up I'm just going to go for it.
So day 7 is over...started off good, felt like I was about to crack at lunchtime, went to pick up my little girl from my mums (worst part ever as she always feeds me the most amazing Italian food) however I just fed my little girl her tea, didn't sneak any bites as I usually would or eat a portion myself. Got home feeling rubbish and wanting to eat but I downed my shake and got my bum to the step class & I feel fantastic this evening. Went to the shop bought some potatoes and have cut them into chips and par boiled them & frozen them now ready to use them when I'm back on SLimming world. I'm going to prep a load of food I think to keep me busy, save money and save time.
Feeling very positive this evening, now just time for bed and weigh in tomorrow morn!
Weigh in results coming soon....
How'd you get on missus?
Aw my comment didn't save.
So I got weighed id gone from 88.1 kg to 81.5kg according to the Pharmacist.
He couldn't believe I'd lost 12lbs (that's what iv equated it to) in one week and thinks he wrote my start weight wrong - or he thinks I purposefully must have put weights in my pocket - yeah like I wanted to be any heavier!
Anyway I also went to my slimming world class straight after as iv have 2 weeks left iv already paid for (1 now) and I was weighed as 12.10&1/2 so I'm happy iv lost 11/12 lbs in week one. I really hope that by exercising I can lose (obviously not this much) but a good chunk each week.
Iv been to another of my gym classes today and iv been power washing my patio flags. I've got a really bad Back now, not drank enough, but feeling positive that I can stick this out.
Tried a flapjack again this morning for brekkie and funnily enough it was divine!!!!! Haha!
Wow well done missus!
So iv tried this week the coconut flapjack which yes is so dry but it was a welcome "treat" to my tastebuds and my want to chew.
Just had the chicken soup and you know what that is not for me Disgusting - will need to go swap my other 2 sachets. Strawberry flavour shake was a nice change actually. Vanilla iv totally gone off. Chocolate is always a winner and is providing me sanity in the evenings!
Made a big boo boo tonight.
Went to get my lashes done, my little girl did a poo while We were there, turns out she had a bad tummy all while I had my eyes shut couldn't see what she was doing.
Anyway it wasn't too much of a problem other than the smell BUT she got it all over her car seat as I hadn't brought her changing bag as it was only an hour didn't think I'd need it. Plus she's nearly 3 and is slowly potting training.
Anyway this stresses me out was trying to get out of the car and into the house and Put her in the bath but she wasn't putting her hands everywhere. I was telling her off and then my husband starts having a go at me!!!!! So I left them to it, left him to bath her.
Went downstairs got the car seat out to wash it came back in the house and after putting it in the wash gobbled down her pack of cheese strings which she'd put in my bag as she no longer likes them. So iv eaten 4 cheese strings which means il now be out of ketosis and have to repeat last weeks misery all over again. Today has not been good. No honk from me, I'm just sat here miserably hoping my bottle of water will make me feel better.
As missus I feel for you, my wee one is 3 past in April and these things are sent to try us. Pick yourself up it wasn't bad and you might still be in ketosis. Take the lesson and move on, draw a line under it and remember you didn't reach for something huge or really bad.
No your right. And I did reach for a cereal bar afterwards I but stopped myself so it could have been a lot worse. I am gutted as I may not lose this week and I really want to. I'm sick of being fat.
Your well on your way to stopping it and you made a good choice to stop. You will lose Hun really believe me calorie wise what you consumed was low and you still have a huge deficit. The biggest issue with blips it being out of ketosis and having hunger or headaches etc.

No honk but close!!!
Thank you JoanieK u have been ever so comforting during my stupid little blip. Onwards and downwards on the scales
Bun these things happen and they're over. Toddlers are hard work and with everything you were stressed. As you say onwards and downwards..
Hey Hun how you getting on today? Hope your back on the wagon and feeling OK..
Yep back on the wagon, all doing ok.
Iv been extra thirsty today - also checked 4 times that I'm still in ketosis & I am phew. Feel like a bit of a failure but iv got to learn that making one mistake doesn't mean I should just give up. I do that all the time when doing SW and then end up binging. I should remember one meal out of the whole week or one treat is not going to ruin everything. Iv been thinking a lot about that today and it is a lesson I need to learn while not eating.
My father in law used to say it's not mistake if you learn from it. Sounds like you have but you've got to ease up- a failure wouldn't have gotten past day 3, you did!

I did a post about food addiction last time round it might be interesting reading for you.. Nothing deep just musings
Can u link me to or what do I need to do to find it? I'm not overly great with this site, I find it quite complicated xx
I'll try..