Extra Easy Days Journey to mini- target #3 // 1lb lost - 5.5lbs to go

Day #60 Tuesday 14th June SP

B: 2 weetabix, milk, strawberries, melon
D:Speedy Bolognese, Pufts (3.5)
T: Salmon, Broccoli, Green Beans, Carrots

Hex A: milk
Hex B1: 2 weetabix
Hex B2: 2x benefit bars
Extras: Pufts (3.5), Pear, Peach, Apple, Ben + Jerry Son of a Wich (4)

Total Syns: 7.5
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Day #61 Wednesday 15th June SP

B: 2 weetabix, milk, strawberries, melon
D: chicken, tomatoes, cucumber, celery
T: Pizza thins (cheese slice (2), ham), mushrooms, onions

Hex A: milk
Hex B1: 2 weetabix
Hex B2: 1x kingsmill wholemeal thins
Extras: pear, biscuit (4), 3x chocolates (7.5),

Total Syns: 13.5
Hi stacey love following your diary your doing great, well done on the loss, do you go to class or are you going it alone
Hi stacey love following your diary your doing great, well done on the loss, do you go to class or are you going it alone
Hi, thanks for following, i follow the Slimming World plan at home and weigh myself on a Saturday morning x
Day 62 Thursday 16th June SP

B: 2 wholemeal toast (hexB), butter (1.5), strawberries, melon
D: crackerbread (4), philadelphia light (hexA), chicken, beetroot, pickled onions
T: tomato and mushroom omelette with onions

Hex A: philadelphia light
Hex B1: 2 wholemeal bread
Hex B2: 2 alpen lights
Extras: pear, 2 clementines, 2 peaches, apple, ben and jerry son of a wich (4) pufts (3.5)

Total syns: 13 syns
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Day 63 - Friday 17th June SP

B: 2x wholemeal toast, butter (1.5), strawberries,
D: chicken, beetroot, gherkins, crackerbread (4) philadelphia light (hexA)
T: salmon, carrots, broccoli, mushrooms

Hex A: philadelphia
Hex B1: 2x wholemeal bread
Hex B2: 2x alpen lights
Extras: 2x milk tray (5), son of a wich (4)

Total syns: 14.5
Weigh day tomorrow and i'm feeling very positive this week. I'm hoping to see a 4 on the scales in the morning but any loss i will be happy with. I've been totally inspired this week searching on instagram, looking at meal pictures and seeing people's transformations. My photo album on my phone is literally filled with screenshots of food. So many people are doing so well, no matter how long it takes to get there, keep going everyone :D:D:D:D
Weighed in this morning -0.5lbs, only a small loss for me this week. I'm not sure what went wrong as such this week, i don't know if this is because of the extra hexB option or not. I think i am going to try a full week of EE to see if it makes a difference. I did do 2 EE days at the beginning of the week and 4 SP days for the rest so i'm just not sure.

I'm also going to try and mix up my hex's. I am one for sticking to the same breakfasts using both hex's for ease and because i have so little time in the morning but i am going to try and vary my hex's too.

Something else i want to try is to use my syns in my meals rather than eating sweets, crisps and chocolate at night time after tea. I'm a bugger for making my meals syn free and then getting to the end of the night, about half 7, 8 o clock and then eating crisps and chocolate to get my syns in for that day. I am going to use is for sauces and gravy etc.

Well we'll see how we go this week. Good luck everybody!!!
Going to try and stay on plan today - i usually stray on a Saturday and call it a 'fatday' but i don't think having this mindset helps as i tend to just pig out at random times of the day which also probably affects the weightloss the rest of the week.
Day #64 Saturday 18th June EE

Breakfast: banana and custard mullerlight (f) strawberries (s)
Dinner: tuna and philadelphia (hex A) on wholemeal thin (hex B) cucumber and carrot sticks (s) crisps (4.5)
Tea: pulled chicken in a wholemeal breadcake (5) tomatoes, mushrooms, onions (all speed) bbq sauce (1)

Hex A: philly cheese
Hex B: wholemeal thin
Total Syns: 10.5
You know those days when you gets a low loss and you feel a bit down but then something comes along and pulls you right back up. I've had one of those days but i've also had a few NSV's of varying kinds.

I went to the hairdressers this morning, i haven't been since Feb, and she asked if i had lost weight and said, and i quote i 'looked amazing'. Usually i shy away from compliments and brush them off but this time, i looked her in the eyes and said thank you. It just shows even the smallest of losses of weight can make a big difference, i'm not even a full stone lighter since i last saw her, yet she still noticed.

Also, i ordered a dress from New Look, i bought it in a 12 in preparation for my holiday next year. I am going to use is as motivation to keep going even though my losses are small and my journey may take longer than i thought, but i put it on and it fits. Now i have lumps and bumps where my hips are but still i got it on and it actually doesn't look half bad.

Lastly, i bought a pair of size 14 shorts for work, i have previously been wearing 16's and having to pull them up every 5 minutes, but i put the 14's on and they fit!!!! I previously bought a pair of 14 shorts from New Look a few weeks ago and i couldn't get them any where near fastened. Today they fastened!!!! Don't get me wrong, if i ate a big meal or bent over awkwardly i'm sure the buttons would be straight off but they still fastened!!!!. Into the 14's i go......
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Just had pizza thins and then realised i've already had my hex B for today and so thats 5 syns down for today so far :oops:.
Finally sorted my meal plan for this week. I struggled with making EE meals after doing a couple of weeks on SP. I think it's because i don't crave carbs or miss them. Going to try all EE this week and then i'm at Chester next Monday to Wednesday so i will finish the week with 2 SP days to try and get back any possible damage done whilst away. I'v already messed up today, i've been used to having 2 hex B's and so had to syn a wholemeal thin at lunchtime. The extra hex B was also helpful at keeping the sweet cravings away at night time.
So todays' meals have been on plan but my snacking hasn't. I don't know what has gotten into me this weekend, i don't know if its the low loss or hormones because star week is due, i don't want to blame that. I think i'm also annoyed at myself for the hex B confusion earlier today as i feel like i've wasted a good chunk of syns. I just need to remind myself why i am doing this and keep on going. How do you all keep your motivation up?

Day #65 Sunday 19th June EE

B: overnight oats, raspberries, clementine
D: pizza thins with cheese and tomato (9) cucumber, beetroot and ham
T: sunday roast with yorkshire puddings (?) and gravy (?)

So syns were a write off today. Clean slate tomorrow. I think being at work helps me stay on plan as i can't just go and pick throughout the day as i'm constantly busy. I have set snack and lunch time at work which i don't have on the weekend at home and i think that is also one of the reasons. I need to try and be more structured on the weekend, also i think because i weigh in on a Saturday morning i kind of let go the rest of the day.

My motivation has just gone off somewhere and i would like it to return, if someone finds it can they send it crawling back to me please.
So i've been absent for a couple of weeks. I'll be honest i just wasn't in the mood for SW, i still had SW main meals but have been snacking on the wrong stuff. I've had a little trip to Chester this week for a few days where i made sure i just enjoyed myself and i think i'm ready to get back to it.

My brother is getting married at the end of August and we're travelling to Aberdeen for it, i would like to say i have reached 12st by then as i still haven't bought a dress for the occasion yet, fingers crossed.

I'm starting this week at 12st 7.25lbs and hoping for a 2lb loss this week to kickstart.
Saturday 2nd July

Breakfast: 2 weetabix (b) milk (a) strawberries, melon
Lunch: Batchelors Pesto Pasta, Mixed Veg,
Tea: Mushroom, Onion, Tomato Omelette

Extras: curly wurly (6) pufts (3.5) B+J Ice Cream (4)
Total Syns: 13.5
Stressful times at the moment with money and i'm not happy with my weight slowly creeping back up. So i weighed in on Saturday at 7:30 in the morning, realised i'd put another 0.75lb on and sat with my computer, looked up recipes and wrote out a shopping list.

I then took myself off to the shops at 8:30am ad returned 3 hours later and about £30 lighter in my purse and proceeded to spend the afternoon cooking. I made chicken lasagne, pasta bolognese and carrot and swede topped cottage pie. I the split each meal into 4 portions each and i now have 12 frozen meals for teas. I find having these meals in the freezer so handy for when i work til 6, i don't get home until half 6 and i can just put it in the microwave.

I plan on eating meat, fish and pasta salads for lunch and i am making a risotto for tea tonight. My downfall is snacking but i just need to keep reminding myself how i will feel if that weight gets put back on, because it is upsetting but only i can change that i realise.

Sunday 10th July

B: 2 weetabix, milk, strawberries, melon (hex a+b)
D: Chicken and Boiled Eggs, Cucumber, Tomatoes, Beetroot, Gherkins
T: Chicken Lasagne, Broccoli, Roasted Carrots.

Extras: Pink n White (2.5), Twirl (9), Cheese Sauce (2)

Total Syns: 13.5
Feeling good about today so far although wasted 3 syns when my Dad offered me a milk chocolate rich tea biscuit :oops:. They were nothing to write home about.

Monday 11th July

B: Overnight oats with raspberries, melon, strawberries (hexb)

D: Turkey and Boiled Eggs, Cucumber, Tomatoes, Pickled Onions, Beetroot
T:Chicken Risotto with tomatoes, green beans, peas, mushrooms, onions, garlic

Extras: chocolate rich tea biscuit (3), clementine, plum, pink n white (2.5), twirl (9)

Total Syns: 14.5
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