Stressful times at the moment with money and i'm not happy with my weight slowly creeping back up. So i weighed in on Saturday at 7:30 in the morning, realised i'd put another 0.75lb on and sat with my computer, looked up recipes and wrote out a shopping list.
I then took myself off to the shops at 8:30am ad returned 3 hours later and about £30 lighter in my purse and proceeded to spend the afternoon cooking. I made chicken lasagne, pasta bolognese and carrot and swede topped cottage pie. I the split each meal into 4 portions each and i now have 12 frozen meals for teas. I find having these meals in the freezer so handy for when i work til 6, i don't get home until half 6 and i can just put it in the microwave.
I plan on eating meat, fish and pasta salads for lunch and i am making a risotto for tea tonight. My downfall is snacking but i just need to keep reminding myself how i will feel if that weight gets put back on, because it is upsetting but only i can change that i realise.
Sunday 10th July
B: 2 weetabix, milk, strawberries, melon (hex a+b)
D: Chicken and Boiled Eggs, Cucumber, Tomatoes, Beetroot, Gherkins
T: Chicken Lasagne, Broccoli, Roasted Carrots.
Extras: Pink n White (2.5), Twirl (9), Cheese Sauce (2)
Total Syns: 13.5