Judy's Jolly Journey (restarts at post 295)

Thanks Capricorn.

Roast chicken would be my choice for my last meal :D My favourite is to have it with roast veg, chips, stuffing and gravy. Now if I could find a way to make that fit the plan I would probably live off it :p

I've taken a leaf out of your book with the food actually. Your menus always look so varied and full of good food with very few syns on rubbish. Hope you don't mind my pinching a few ideas ;) It has obviously worked well for you and if I want to meet my goals then I've got to change things up a bit.

I'll be back later to report the damage at class :eek:

Take care honey, JJ x
Evening all. Reporting in with a 3.5 lb loss and a new shiney :happy036:

I am very pleased with that and hope my new regime for this week will help things along a bit more speedily :D

Brilliant loss -thrilled for you :party0049:...Here's to another great week !!!!
So far today I have had:
1 alpen light
Veg and mince
Potato (HEB)
Cheese (HEA)

Seem to have eaten a lot so far!
Adding to my earlier list.

I grabbed some lettuce, ham, cottage cheese and beetroot when I got home at 5. Now heading out again to get DS. We'll be home about 8 then got to cook dinner. Hopefully I won't be hungry while out and eating crud just to have something. Going to take my 2nd alpen light out with me just in case :D

Catch you later, JJ x
Evening update

Sweet and sour is now cooked and is quite tasty. I miscalculated the syns though and it is 6 for the portion I'm having not 4 :eek: Oh well you live and learn.... and I might not eat it all ;)

So finishing tonight off with:
Sweet and sour pork
Stir fry veg pack - instead of steamed (needed using up)
Activia 0% Yoghurt
1 Alpen light (1/2 HEB) - not eaten while out :cool:

If I want anything else - which I doubt - it will be fruit, so today comes to a total of 10 syns and I feel like I've eaten all day :D
of keeping me accountable. I will try to ensure I don’t turn it into “confessions of a serial dieter “ but can't make any promises :p

I chose Wednesday as this is my weigh in day and I wanted to make my first post a celebration of losing a stone. I was so confident I would have lost at least 2lbs to take me into the next stone bracket. Not sure what I’ve done wrong but I gained 1lb :eek: Now normally this would send me screaming to the shops for crisps and chocolate BUT tonight I’m not. I’ve decided I will still start a diary and typing will keep my hands busy so I can’t eat :p

So about me. I’m Judy, a single parent, work full time, recently had my 43rd birthday and have almost 10 stone to lose. My DD (18) and youngest DS (16) are still at home, plus DD’s BF most of the time. DS has cerebral palsy so life can be trying sometimes, but we muddle through somehow. I used to use how busy we were as an excuse not to tackle my very bad eating habits. In reality I was just too bone idle to change and justified eating the rubbish as compensation for living with Joe’s disabilities. Only recently have a realised that he lives with them not me and if he can cope why can’t I? Sad that it’s taken so long and I’m sure the bad habits will raise their ugly heads occasionally. My hope is that having you lovely lot to speak to will keep me on the straight and narrow.

This has turned into an essay and I’ve probably put most of you off by now. However if you are still reading :thankyou:
I promise not to be a misery moo all the time :innocent0001:

Off to plan tomorrow's eats now.
Speak soon, JJ [/QUOTE]
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I've had 2 new pictures taken and intend to take one on the 1st of every month from now on. Should be a good record of how I'm doing

The newer ones are first.........and what a difference a good bra makes :eek:


  • 1st September 2010 (front).JPG
    1st September 2010 (front).JPG
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    1st September 2010 (side).JPG
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:happy036::happy036: what a difference there is -WELL DONE :winner:

I swear we must have been seperated at birth :giggle:-I was so amazed when I measured up and ordered new bras -in a size I really didn't think was right :confused: -I went UP 2 cup sizes :roofles:
when I put them on and thought "oohh hello -that is where they should be is it?" :rotflmao:.
Makes a heck of a difference doesn't it :clap: and I can't believe that there is such a thing as a comfy bra -now I have 4 :eek:...

That is some amazing change in such a short space of time... that should spur you on :woohoo:. Keep up the great work...
have a lovely day.....
Thanks hun. The bra certainly has made a difference. I had a breast operation 13 years ago and was told not to wear underwires, however you can not get any decent support without buying one of the grandma style harnesses ;) Well I eventually went and got measured at Debenebenams and bought 2 lovely lacey holders that shove everything back where it should be :p AND they are comfortable and pretty to boot :happy036:

Well todays plan seems to have even more food than yesterday :confused: The odd thing is I actually feel hungry in between :argh: Now that can't be right!!! I suppose by eating little and often I'm actually using up the fuel I'm putting in, but my body isn't used to it so is sending out confusing signals - I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually because I should not be hungry with what I've eaten so far.

Strawberries, melon, mango, pineapple and yoghurt
Pork with lettuce, beetroot and vinaigrette
1 Alpen light
Crisps (6)
SW quiche and bbq sauce (1)
2nd Alpen light

I've then got a jacket (HEB) with cheese (HEA) and chilli for dinner later. I will also have 8 syns left :wow:

Off out to meet the family and take the dogs for a tramp through the woods, so catch you later, JJ xx
Good morning and happy Saturday to you :D

I am off out later wedding dress shopping so I'm currently planning how to fit food in as well. I also need to top up the fresh stuff so a visit to Lidl may be on the cards - oooo I lead an exciting life. I should add the dress is for my niece and not me - been there, done that, and have the scars as proof :rolleyes: - but she's excited so I have to try to be supportive ;)

Todays menu looks a lot like this:

Saturday (Green)
Milk (HEA)
Mushroom Omelette, Salad, Cottage cheese (1)
Banana, Strawberries, Pineapple, Yoghurt
Vegetable rice with extra veg, Activia lemon (2.5)
Potato, Cheese (HEA), Beans
Fibre Plus dark (HEB), 2 Alpen Light (HEB), Crisps (6)

I will also take a banana out with me along with the Alpens, in case of nibble attacks whilst shopping.

At some time today I've also got to make some vegetable soup. I've got some veg which is going soft - I was supposed to make it into soup a few days ago but didn't get round to it :eek: - so has to be done now before I get some fresh for next week.

Right enough of my waffle. Must get started on the list of things for today - DS is away so feeling rather lazy, but I have things to do and places to go :p

Catch you later, JJ x
Hi, I've been reading everyones diaries over the last few days (never mind the housework:rolleyes:) I felt like an invisible stalker so have decided I needed to post something on each one rather than reading and running.
You've done so well and look forward to reading your journey as it goes on.
Well Sunday again - the weeks are flying by.

Today was going to be another red day but I've been invited out to lunch so going extra easy instead. It may turn into a flexi syn day depending on what is available to eat.

I'll let you know how it goes later!
Hope you have a lovely SW day, JJ x
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I had a lovely lunch with the parents. We had pork, potatoes, leeks, baby carrots and peas, with yorkshire pudding and gravy :drool: It was seriously yummy - especially as Dad cooked :D After we took the dogs out and had a good walk.

I then went to Lidl for some peach tea this afternoon and home (for a snooze :zz:) I was feeling quite dozy about 5 ish so shut my eyes for 10 minutes...........woke up at 6.40 :eek:

Had salad with ham and cottage cheese for tea and a bag of crisps for syns. I don't think that's too bad for today. I should have some fruit as haven't had any today, but it's getting a little late.

Tomorrow is going to be an extra easy day for a change. I'm planning a breakfast of mushroom omelette, fruit and yoghurt mid-morning, rice and veg salad for lunch and potato with chilli for tea. HEA will be milk and HEB 2 alpen light. In between I will have more fruit, some ham and cottage cheese and syns will be either crisps, a fibre plus bar or a curly wurly depending on how I feel.

That's enough from me tonight as I need to get sorted for work tomorrow. Night all, JJ x
Inspite of the plan I laid out last night, today's menu looks nothing like it did. I'd changed it before bed ;)

I was reading this month's SW mag after getting ready for bed, when I found the mango chicken recipe. I've got everything in except sugar snap peas, so got up and took chicken out of the freezer. I now have a really scrummy sounding tea to look forward to :D I'll let you know how it turns out.

Right the amended plan (Extra easy):
Drinks - Milk (HEA), Coffee, Diet Coke, Water
07.30 - Superspeed soup (wanted something warm this morning)
12.00 - Ham salad, fruit and yoghurt
16.30 - Vegetable rice, Activia lemon (2.5)
21.30 - Mango chicken, potatoes and veg (2)

In between will be more fruit, 2 alpen lights (HEB) and a bag of crisps (nearly all gone then not buying any more :() That should be plenty, but I have a huge pan of soup sat waiting to be bagged up when I get home - may have some more if I'm peckish :p I actually made this before work this morning and it is very tasty. Hopefully it will help me have some good losses over the next few weeks, as I intend to make it frequently :D

Right back to work :cry: JJ x
I'm really late getting on tonight so just a quick update from me.

The mango chicken wasn't as nice as it looked in the magazine - nowhere near as much sauce as they show in the picture - tasted ok but won't rush to repeat it. I'm going to try a pasta bake I found on Slimming Eats tomorrow. Looks really nice and very low on syns - I'll let you know how it goes.

Today I have eaten -
Soup - 2 very large portions
Ham Salad
Alpen lights
Crisps (6)
Curly Wurly (6.5)

Not the best day I've ever had but certainly not the worst ;). Tomorrow will be more soup, salad and fruit during the day, then the pasta bake after weigh in. Wish me luck :cross:
Hi, new to this, what is superspeed soup JJ? Love reading everyone's diaries, great for inspiring me!
First SW weigh in tomorrow.
Hi Trixie thanks for popping in. Hope you'll regularly drop by for a visit.
The superspeed soup is a SW recipe that is free on green and extra easy. It is basically mixed bean salad, tinned tomatoes, baked beans, stock and whatever superfree veggies you have. Boil it all for 30mins and blend. You can adapt the basic recipe to suit and add extra herbs, garlic, worcester sauce, pasta etc as you want. I've had it with a spoon of natural yoghurt stirred in tonight after group. Hope you enjoy it.

Well after a strange week food wise I managed a 1lb loss tonight. I think I'm going back to my red and green days as I can over eat too easily on extra easy. I'm hoping to have a basics week where I weigh and measure and have just the 10 syns daily. Having said that I am going to the coast on Saturday and intend to have fish and chips. I'm sure it's illegal not to and I'd hate to break any laws :p

Right off to plan the rest of the week. Take care all, JJ x
Sorry I've been awol lately - been a funny old week. We went to the coast yesterday and I thoroughly enjoyed my fish and chips and donut :D I'm back on track today and have finally finished this week's plan.

This is:
Sunday - Red
Milk (HEA)
Yoghurt Fruit
Cheese (HEA) Spaghetti Bolognese (HEB) Yoghurt
Bacon Egg Tomatoes Jelly (0.5)
Fibre plus bar (HEB) Crisps (6)

2 A & B and 6.5 syns

Monday - Red
Milk (HEA)
Fruit Yoghurt
Ham Cheese (HEA) Lettuce Cucumber Beetroot Tomato Spring onion Fat free vinaigrette
Vegetable soup Activia lemon (2.5)
Chicken Roast potatoes (HEB) 1 tsp olive oil (2) Veg pack (steamed) Yoghurt
2 Alpen light (HEB) Crisps (6)

2 A & B and 10.5 syns

Tuesday – Extra Easy
Milk (HEA)
Bacon Egg Tomatoes
Lettuce Cucumber Beetroot Tomato Spring onion Fat free vinaigrette Cottage cheese (2)
Activia lemon (2.5) Fruit
Savoury rice and 2 Asda hot & spicy chicken breast fillets Yoghurt
2 Alpen light (HEB) Crisps (6)

1 A & B and 10.5 syns

Wednesday – Red
Milk (HEA)
Yoghurt Fruit
Cheese (HEA) 35g pasta Bolognese (HEB) Activia lemon (2.5)
Bacon Egg Tomatoes 2 Eat smart sausages (1)
Fibre plus bar (HEB) Crisps (6)

2 A & B and 9.5 syns

Thursday – Red
Milk (HEA)
Bacon Egg Tomatoes
Fruit and yoghurt
2 Asda hot & spicy chicken breast fillets Lettuce Cucumber Beetroot Spring onion Salad cream (2) Yoghurt
Chilli Potato (HEB) Mozzarella (HEA) Fromage frais with options (3)
2 Alpen light (HEB)

2 A & B and 7.5 syns

Friday – Red
Milk (HEA)
Yoghurt Fruit
Tuna with Laughing cow cheese (HEA) Lettuce Cucumber Beetroot Tomato Spring onion Salad cream (2) Yoghurt
2 Alpen light (HEB)
Haddock (2) stir fried veg and 71g peas (HEB)
Fibre plus bar (5.5)

2 A & B and 9.5 syns

Saturday – Red
Milk (HEA)
Bacon Egg Tomatoes
Soup and Ham roll (HEB)
Chicken Parmigiana (2.5 and HEA) Lettuce Cucumber Beetroot Spring onion Salad cream (2) Fromage frais with options (3)
2 Alpen light (HEB)

2 A & B and 7.5 syns

Sunday - Red
Milk (HEA)
Yoghurt Fruit
2 Alpen light (HEB)
Chicken Roast potatoes (HEB) 1 tsp olive oil (2) Veg pack (steamed) Yoghurt
Bacon and cheese (HEA) omelette
Fibre plus bar (5.5)

2 A & B and 7.5 syns

Let's see if I can stick to it :cool: Have a good week!
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