July 2012 Bride...and a LOT to loose

Been a bit naughty nothing too bad usually do on a weds .. Feeling a little run down .. Haven't had a day off for 7 days and still have 2 more to do til a day off :( but I'm having 5 110% days again this week .. Want another decent loss xx
Oh bless ya well spent my day in a&e after collapsing at the top of stairs just got home been Told to take it easy xxx
Yep stress it is :( I am need to go back to work today but spoke to my boss yesterday she told me I can take it easy there xxx
Hope you're feeling better today I've been trying to chill out all day I've done 32 hours this week n still 2 days to go .. Nd 46 since Monday :( feeling it today though x got lots of last minute planning to do over the next few months xx