I can haz cake?
Are you using the sticks to asses your Ketosis? Today, I really tasted the 'metallic' taste they suggest may happen on Exante's literaure so I guess I'm on it. I just know that consuming 610 calories a day will make your lose weight regardless.
WW isn't a good system for everyone. I just needed a break from food, some time (6 months to a year) so reassess my relationship with food and to not have the choice of everything and lots of it PLEASE! LOL.
nah ketostix aren't reliable. Just know by the symptoms from being on it before. I get a migraine on the cusp of keto (which I had day 1), and i've got all the classic symptoms, coldness, no hunger, smelleh breath xx
Saying that my meds cause hypoglycemia so that could have hurried keto on for me.