day 15 evening plans went down the drain...
Plan to burn off a good 200-300 in the gym and then have some salmon and salad for tea when I come home. 
Still going well on the non smoking mission - no temptations or stress
12 Noon: Maintenance Bar!! YAY! Im so happy to have these again - I love them!

200 calories
2PM: WW Tuna and 3 Ryvita 170 calories
5PM: Maintenance Bar 200
6PM: Salmon, Baby Pots and Curry & Alpro Soya Mousse (700 CALS)
Slendertone Arms and Abs (all priming myself for the gym as it says on slendertone site u get better results when u slendertone pre-gym)
7PM - Phone call from lover boy which lasted a whole 2 hours...

night over - no gym no housework nada.
9:30PM: Another Phone Call - 1 hour
10:30pm: Bath and exfoilation - got exfoilator in eye and it was bright red sore (I think the grains where exfoliating my eye ball) and i wanted to cry - so lay down for a while and the pain was so bad

I then went and raided the fridge with one eye open - 4 ryvita, tin of tuna, and half a tin of ww spaghetti - i think i thought this would make my eye better but it didnt

- so went to bed with my sore eye and a full tummy and went to myself why did i do that???? hmmmm...... (300 CALS)
Still off the smokes
I need to keep average calories at approx 1275 cals per day to maintain my weight - so going to have to be more careful as I am going over this a lot and lots of times I eat I am not really that hungry.