I've come down with the lurgy this morning - sore and wheezy chest, but at least it explains why I felt so tired yesterday! Definately looking forward to the weekend, but I guess I'm a little wary that I'll go a bit crazy and/or not be able to get on track for refeeding.
It's great that the weight's coming back off so fast - you must be pleased
Exercise is great for stress, both endorphin-wise and also just taking your mind off things. It's just that it's so easy to get absorbed in unproductively stressing out for hours - I should know, I've been there recently too. Getting out of the house and going for a good walk or run is often better than a DVD when stressed actually because it takes you out of the 'stress-sphere' haha. Maybe just go for a tiiiiiny walk, then come back and settle down to some TV
? Definately keep starting the 30DS for when things are a little calmer though!
It's great that the weight's coming back off so fast - you must be pleased