StephCracknell Run 3x week, 1x strengthening, 1 x walking
Sophs 50 lengths 2x a week, 1 x aqua class, walking 2 miles a day
RuthyJ357 X trainer 10 mins 3x week
Irene Walk/cycle 30 mins 3-4x week
Missmoos& Get arse to gym, up the dog walking, up the walking of school run
Force Ten Exercise bike every day, DVD 3x week
Monkeys bunny X trainer 3x week, 28 miles walking per week
Jennyonaplate Jogging 3x week, exercise bike 2x week
Vicx get active 30 mins a day
Sporty Taz 5-6 hours martial arts per week
Rainbow swimming 1x week, daily dog walking, wii fit/trampoline
Tenbars gym 45 mins 2x week