Just a quick question I need to know.

Hi Mally I know EXACTLY how you feel so far I have felt that way on day 3 and weirdly day 6 (today)

My theory is that your body has switched to a new way of burning fuel so it cannot be without consequence. I think the initial high is over and your body is now burning fat as fuel (ketosis) I felt terrible on day 3 - not hungry as such just empty and almost depressed I felt like my body was so angry with me... The next day I felt fine

Today I feel very jittery - could be the coffee and I am not hungry at all. My partner thinks it is weird I haven't eaten at all since 10am and I am not hungry (just freezing) which is no lie... I am empty inside but that is my current mindset... almost like detox I suppose

Are you opening your bowels ok? that could make your tummy hurt? I suspect it is the transition but I am not sure what more to say xxx
Hi Mally I know EXACTLY how you feel so far I have felt that way on day 3 and weirdly day 6 (today)

My theory is that your body has switched to a new way of burning fuel so it cannot be without consequence. I think the initial high is over and your body is now burning fat as fuel (ketosis) I felt terrible on day 3 - not hungry as such just empty and almost depressed I felt like my body was so angry with me... The next day I felt fine

Today I feel very jittery - could be the coffee and I am not hungry at all. My partner thinks it is weird I haven't eaten at all since 10am and I am not hungry (just freezing) which is no lie... I am empty inside but that is my current mindset... almost like detox I suppose

Are you opening your bowels ok? that could make your tummy hurt? I suspect it is the transition but I am not sure what more to say xxx

Thanks so much faloola for your response. How I feel at present is really hard to describe. Okay, I am going to be brutally honest (excuse me if this is a little too much) I have actually got bad diarrhea which generally happens to me when my body rejects something, coupled with stomach pain which ceases after I release my bowels. Having said all that, I really appreciated reading your post as it made me feel as though there is hope of this horrible feeling passing or at least subsiding. I too feel very cold however I was expecting that side affect (it is to do with dropping calories, and your body pumping blood to the major organs and not extremities). The reason I am quite surprised at my reaction is because I have embarked on a VLCD before, and been in ketosis, but did not suffer this feeling which is why I believe it may be the packets of food. It does not help as well that I absolutely loath the products I have eaten/drunk so far. They too are making me feel sick. Lets hope there is SOMETHING in that bumper pack I can stomach. This is so incredibly frustrating, but I am an exceptionally strong minded and REFUSE point blank to give up. x
Hope you are feeling better x
Hope you are feeling better x

I started to experience it a little last night, but apart from that I am alright actually. This is going to sound absurd but I actually think I know what was making it worse... drinking too much water. Now I know Exante suggests drinking 2-4 liters of water, but the day I posted feeling really quite unwell I must have got through 7-8 liters if not more. I have always been a big drinker (excuse the pun) but never have I reached that number. As a family we only drink water, there are no fizzy drinks or squash in our house whatsoever, so drinking water comes quite naturally to me. However I must have filled my protein shaker up to 10 times, and my shaker holds one and a half pints (so you can imagine how much I was consuming). It was a really weird sensation, it felt as though my brain was surrounded by a film of water, and all my insides the same. I definitely was NOT suffering from water intoxication as I doubt if that was the case I would be here now, eeek! It has taught me a lesson however, just don't exaggerate with drinking too much water. Oh by the way the 8 liters I was drinking is excluding any coffee's and tea's I had on that day, and the water used to mix up the products. Never again.:eek: ahaha x
I literally had my protein shaker on me wherever I went (I still do really). I have never been one of these people to take a small sip and leave it for 5 minutes, I tend to gulp down the water. As soon as I finished that lot of water, I would immediately go and re-fill. There was a point later on in the day where I actually stopped myself from drinking more, so potentially I have could have drunk quite a bit more than what I did (I am glad I listened to my body). And I was going to the toilet twice every 10 minutes, it really was a pain the backside. :S
Something that is so incredibly invaluable to a human, such as water, can be so deadly when drunk in huge quantities.
Getting the runs sounds like a reaction to something. I got this on lighter life, when I used the drink flavourings. I got it on Atkins when I had the sugar free chocolate. On weight watchers when I used heir sweeties. In my case it was whatever they used as a sugar substitute (possibly malitol or something similar).

Water made it worse as the body was desperately expelling everything and water provided a means to do this.

Last time, I actually went home sick because I was rushing to the loo several times an hour (I live nearby so was safe enough to run home!).

I'm quite sensitive to artificial sweeteners like this, so I hope I haven't just bought a months supply of dulcolax in shake and bar form!
SerenityValley, I completely agree. I have had this reaction before but only when something I have eaten does not agree with me. Ahahaa, brought a months supply of dulcolax (that made me laugh, because I know exactly how you feel).

I hope you are right with them having separate ingredients, because I really cannot deal with being ill for months. I do not know how on earth I am going to finish this bumper packet, as I have pretty much gagged at everything I have consumed thus far, however when I summon the power to do so, I too may stick with shakes solely, and maybe the bars that you can buy in shops (as I hate the ones on Exante).
dont worry, the side effects youre having are quite common. I had that my first week lets just say Im very glad I was home and near a loo

I was told that apparantly the problem can be that the packs are so rich in vitamins etc that they can upset your stomach because its not used to them but it does, and will settle down.

The irony is by next week youll probably be needing the ducolax :rolleyes:
Lmao so true starlight. On ll I used the drink flavourings carefully to ensure I managed to go once a week (the day of my weigh in!).
dont worry, the side effects youre having are quite common. I had that my first week lets just say Im very glad I was home and near a loo

I was told that apparantly the problem can be that the packs are so rich in vitamins etc that they can upset your stomach because its not used to them but it does, and will settle down.

The irony is by next week youll probably be needing the ducolax :rolleyes:

I really do hope your right Starlight, I really am a little under the weather. I will definitely keep you updated, and tell you if it passes. Starlight may I ask what products you consume, do you eat the entire array of products, or have you stuck to only a couple?
I think this may end up being my fate. How long were you on Exante for (just consuming the shakes) if you don't mind me asking?
WOW! That gives me hope. :D
Did you stick 100% to Exante? The only reason I ask is because I would worry that if I was only consuming shakes I would struggle with not having anything to chew. Also do you know the reason as to why one needs to take a 'food break week' every four weeks? Can one just not continue with TS for the duration? Thank you. :)
Oh right. Because we are not being monitored, do they presume we will suffer if we did not have a week off? Also would you be prepared to tell me how much weight you lost in that period? I am really intrigued to follow Exante drinking only the shakes. Sorry for all the questions. :confused: x
That is amazing! That makes me feel so positive about following Exante. Is slim and save another VLCD?