Just Do It doing Atkins

Well done JDi - keep it up:)
Thanks Katie, just done another day.

Kept it simple again. Felt hungry mid afternoon at work. Went into the kitchen and managed to cook one of my eggs and was pleased.

Breakfast 2 eggs 1 tblspn mayo
Snack handful almonds
Lunch slices beef green pepper
Snack egg
Dinner mince cauliflower with cheese on
Cream lemon sweetener
Ok big birthday week done and dusted. Bit of damage done. I just seem to be getting nowhere.

Drat, forgot my special cream thing I was going to try today to stop me going awry.

I'm going to try the mfp thing I've read people use if I can work out what on earth it is. My food planner?
Thanks roosnanny, I do feel like I need some. It feels a bit lonely being at the opposite side of the day to everyone else too. And reading about m & s food doesn't help....
Ok well stumbling along. I just read the sticky explaining how a lot of people stop losing week three and four and its the inches that count.

So I'm going to go and buy a tape measure at lunch time. I moved countries with only a suitcase and it's all the little things like tape measures that get missed.

I have brought three eggs for breakfast today, just to get me through to lunch time without thinking of chocolate. I know I can do it. I just hope my colleague lets me eat my breakfast in peace.
good on you,c'mon you can do it :D
it is the inches that count,the scales can make you feel awful in an instant,i did that yesterday:( wish i had
never got on them,
the body really is an amazing thing,and although it doesn't always do exactly what we want it to,it's usually doing something that goes un noticed by us,i think we're just in a rush.
Morning JDi... You'll get there! Just come on here every day and post your foods and how you're feeling - it all helps with the focus... I couldn't do it without everyone on here! Xx
Thanks a lot everyone.
I WILL do it. I Re-read that post and it helped.

I've had my 3 eggs and mayo just on the train now thinking about tea?

Bacon seems like a good option.

Night x
hang in there. :)
have you had a look at the4 thread that people are showing their food,might give you a couple of ideas.
Evening JDI... It's so hard when the mindset lets us down ... There's always the right time to start and you just have to try and focus on clean and green until you get through the tough first few days of it! Keep posting on here - I found it helped me enormously xx