I dont have an Asda near me (not one I can get to anyway) but it says they deliver to me so I may have to get some.
I am looking at the products online right now and there are 4 different ones, 2 are in packs of 3 and 2 are single bars.....are we allowed all of them? Not all at once of course!!
p.s.....Same with the BL bars, are we allowed all the flavours?
Are all of the biggest loser bars ok? I have some coming tom and if i can't deal with just having the shakes i will have them. I have ordered the choc fudge/choc nut and the strawberry ones, any problem with them. Thanks
Froom37 said:I had a look over pretty much all the "healthy bars" in Tesco yesterday to compare (but NOT BL or ASDA bars so just as an aside)
From what I saw they are all lower in calories and slightly lower in carbohydrates (which are my main 2 things to watch). They definitely won't have 1/3 nutrients but will probably taste better and a lot more choice.
They are however about 30g in weight whereas Exante bars are about 50g I think off the top of my head so might not feel as full afterwards. Given the numbers (from here Cookies Detecting! ) tho (113 cals and 9.9g carbs) you should be able to have 2 for same value as Exante bar!
Mine arrive this evening, i will try one tom as i'am having my last exante bar today. I'am sooooo worried it will throw me out of ketosis or slow weight loss but i don't think i could do this diet without the bars.
I just had a BL choc crunch bar... OMG!!!!!!! YUM YUM!!! Felt like eating a full on chocolate bar!!! So chewy as well so last ages. Could easily split this into two meals. Hooray!
I know - they taste very indulgent don't they? Shame they are still expensive though.I got mine from Tesco who them on offer for £1.50 each, but the normal price is about the same as Exante bars.
I think I will pop in Asda tonight and get some of their ones.