I have re-measured myself:
waist: 102
hips: 130
breasts: 119
I've just looked back on what I was when I first measured. I've lost 15cm from my wasit

, 12cm from my hips

and 10cm from my breasts

:cry::sigh: (lots of smilies to express my very unhappiness at the new breast measurements). Very pleased about the first two, but, I don't know if it's the top I'm wearing, the bra I'm wearing or the fact that my shape has changed, but my breasts actually look bigger than they were before even though they are a whole 4 inches smaller (!), and I've quite a nice shape appearing now. My mum says I've lost weight from my middle, just under my breasts, and the other day she was complimenting me on my waist. My waist has always been kind of obvious, but it's getting quite nice looking now (I sound awfully self obsessed and cocky-I'm not, I promise, just real pleased).
I was looking through photos the other day, and I had quite a nice figure when I was younger. There's photos of me when I was about 15 or 16 (only about 6 or 7 years ago), and, although at the time, I thought I was fat (I was in a size 14/16 back then, I think, but, even though I was about my height (5ft 11) back then, at 15/16, a size 14/16, and being 14 stone, is fat and heavy), but I looked good and quite slim. I think, for now, that will be my new goal, to get to 14 stone and get into a size 16, initially. I would like to get down to 12 stone, still, but I know that, even at 14 stone (which, I think, would still be overweight for my height), I looked good.
Well, for Easter I have been a good girl. I've had a small Maltesers Easter egg on Friday (nan moans about that, but I'm not really religious and to me Good Friday is a part of Easter) and my friend bought me a pack of the very small Lindt Easter bunnys. They are absolutely gorgeous-I've had 2 and my mum and sister have had one each. I've one on the fire place downstairs which I'll have tomorrow. I think I'm going to give up chocolate after Easter for a few weeks.
I was so pleased the other day, as some one mistook me for a few years younger than I am.
I got my period yesterday (the downside of losing weight, even as little as I've lost, is the increased number of periods-I hate them), and, as a consequence, for the last week or so I've had a good few spots (about 4 or 5, which I feel guilty moaning about cos my sister gets loads and her face is quite scarred by them now) appear on my chin (kind of in line with the corners of my mouth) mostly. I read once, ages ago, that different locations have different causes (eg imbalanced diet etc). Anyone know if that's true? And if so, what mine mean?
I still can't get over the 37cm in total I have lost. So, so happy about it.