Kaitlyn's Diary

Bren, you must be joking. Snack time?! To be honest, I'm lucky if I get a break half the time. I've had 3 breaks in 5 days, I've done half a shift of over time, and left about 3 hours late in total.

I tend to buy food at work, just cos the fridge is normally full in the staff room.

I've had two salads (one tuna and sweetcorn, the other chicken) at work and a sandwich (can't remember what was in there) this week at work. I've swapped my chocolate for a fruit salad, and my sugary squash for water.

I haven't yet weighed/measured myself again, but that's fine. But it was only a few days ago, and I've kept my first goal and come on here.

Thanks for the good wishes everyone.
Well, I'm off work this week and next. Yay! That means that I have no excuse to eat unhealthily (that spelling doesn't look right) for the next fortnight.

Made fish pie last night (no pastry) and had it with rice and sweetcorn - absolutely yummy, and I figure it was healthy.

I gave blood last week. So that should be about 1lb off with no effort what-so-ever.
Fabulous, some time off just what you need. Sounds like you have been making some positive choices hun. Are you going to WI monthly or fortnightly?

Bren x
Oops, not posted in 2 weeks.

Been a good fortnight. Eaten healthily (mostly). And lost 2lb. Bought a Wii - got the the Wii Fit Plus, which is so fun and absolutely fantastic.

Anyway, big, big news.

I've bought a house.

Super exciting. I've been accepted for a mortgage, (the provisional acceptance thing) made my offer. I've even hired a solicitor (!) which made me feel so grown up. Just trying to get things together now. I never realised how much stuff was needed for your own house. I'm loving going out and choosing new stuff though.
I haven't logged in to Minimins for about 18 months. I'd forgotten I'd started a new diary (18 months ago), but I'm going to carry on with this one, I think, instead.

So, I'm still bigger. I don't know how much I weight, I haven't weighed myself for months (well over a year?). I don't think I have gained or lost significantly, though. I am still buying about the same size clothes as I have for ages.

So, there have been a few changes since I last posted here, though. Firstly, I have my own house (I think I wrote about that in my other diary), which is great, but I hate housework and bills!

Secondly, I am back at university. I am now training to be a midwife. It is an 18 month degree, and I am over six months in to it. I absolutely love it, so much better than working as a nurse. It's a bit of a paycut, but I am coping OK with that - I am just focusing on the end goal.

Thirdly, and this is my big reason for coming back on here, I am planning on having a baby. It is an exciting and scary thing to be thinking that in twelve months time, I could be pregnant. I want to be below a BMI of 30 when we start trying for a baby. I know it's probably slightly TMI but my periods are still screwed up at the moment - I know I shoudl go to the doctors about this, but, well, I don't particularly like going to the GPs and I know that they will just tell me to lose weight before anything is done/investigated.

I have been trying, sort of, to eat healthily, but it isn't always easy. I tend to buy food at uni, which isn't a good choice, I know. There isn't very much selection there, and as I don't eat any meat other than chicken, I am stuck, generally, to the veggie option. More often than not, this is eggs, which I don't like, so I just end up with chips. Ultimately, I want a diet which is low enough in calories for weight loss, but which is also full of all the nutrients I need, not just to be healthy, but which are benefical for conception and pregnancy.

Before I even look at a weight loss goal, I think I need some dietary goals. I have two goals which I would like to achieve;
1 - drink more water
2 - take my own food in to uni.

By next Friday, I hope to have done this. That gives me four days to take food in to uni on and six days to start drinking more water. I'm not sure what I am going to aim for drinks wise at the moment. I know there are reccomendations, but I think I will need to work up to these. When I was working as a nurse, I got in to the really bad habit of drinking very little. And I know that is something which I am going to find very difficult and consciously going to have to work at to break.

Last time I was at uni, I did get really good at taking my own food in. I would have breakfast at uni which was full of fruit, normally a couple of plums, a banana, some orange juice and, I don't think they do them any more, but those yogurts with fruit compote in them, which was one of your five a day.

Right, my pan for the day is to go shopping this afternoon. I then need to go to my mum's where I have already planted a ton of fruit and veg and have a load more to plant out.
So, the drinking more fluid has gone well today. I had two small glasses of very dilute squash this morning, some fruit juice at lunch (to be honest, it wasn't that good, but I drank it), 3 hot drinks (I know, not the best, but fluid none the less) and I am currently sitting here doing some uni work and being on here drinking a pint of dilute squash. I know the coffee wasn't the best, but the volume of fluid I drank today is a lot better than what I normally drink, so I'm quite pleased with that.

I've also been terribly organised and I have made my meals for uni tomorrow. I live miles from the campus, so I have made breakfast and lunch.

Food-wise, I haven't done great today. But, I'm focusing on the fluid intake and taking food into uni with me at the moment, so I'm not overly concerned with this.

Also, I don't feel well today, I think I have a cold coming.
I've done quite well with the fluid intake over the past week. I don't think I've had less than 1500ml on any of the days, which is perhaps not much compared to what some people drink, but for me, 1500ml is good.

Yesterday I didn't drink very much in the day as I was out for the day, and you never drink enough when out for the day - I know I don't anyway. I made up for it when I got in, though. I had about a litre before going to bed - I woke in the early hours desperate for a pee!

I had done quite well today - probably about 700ml this morning, 300ml with dinner, and about 600ml this evening. But I've just been sick, so it's going to be another late evening playing catch-up with the fluids, I think.

I also took food in with me twice last week (out of four times) which was quite good, even though I had a slight mishap with my yogurt the one day and spilt it all over the seat in my car - woops. And when I didn't take food in with me, I tried to go for the healthier option on the menu, which isn't very easy. It may be a campus specifically for health courses I attend, but their menus are definitely not healthy. They, more often than not, for the hot options, consist of chips, pasties or something breaded, like chicken goujons (sp?) or something, with the only vegetable on offer being baked beans, which I detest. I went for the chicken salad sandwich one day, can't remember what I had the other day.

I didn't manage to weigh myself at my mum's yet. But, I have found a tape measure, so can measure myself:

Hips - 141cm
Waist - 112cm
Bust- 129cm

At the fullest part of the respective areas. At, when I was just looking to find out what hip to wasit ratio I had and what body shape I was, I was excited to find my hip to waist ratio was 0.79 (good) and that I was an hourshape (yippee!). so I'm actually very pleased about both of those.

Whilst my ultimate goal is to lose weight in order to get pregnant. But it is going to be a lot easier for me to measure my size, at least at the moment. I have decided that the best way I am going to accomplish this (decreasing size) is to start adding some exercise to my days. I want something which can be done at home, on the cheap, and which will have both cardio and toning abilities. How about hula hooping? I'm not going in to town until the end of the week, but if I get chance, I will nip to Tesco and see if they have one before then - if not, it will be when I go shopping at the end of the week.

So, I think this week's goals will be:

1 - start exercising
2 - eat regular meals.

I think the irregularity of eating is another bad habit I picked up from nursing. I would go all day without eating, and then be so hungry I wouldn't be bothered cooking/making something when I got home, so I would just go to the shop/vending machine on the way home and eat a pile of junk food. Even now, I will go all day without eating and then eat a lot in the evening. I might go all day with just a few glasses of water (I got in to the habit of not eating breakfast, as if I ate breakfast before work, I would be really hungry and if I didn't have a break, it would be hell, whereas if I didn't have breakfast, and I didn't have a break, it was ok) and not even realise I am hungry, and then, in the evening, I will be absolutely starving and I'll eat my dinner and then be hungry and maybe have some toast and then something else not very good and it will continue. So, even when I don't have a structured day (like being in uni or something), I am going to aim to eat properly. I'm not as concerned with aiming to eat lunch, but I want to aim to eat breakfast at least four times this week, two of which will be on non-uni days.