Karenlou's diary - Hello, I'm home!

hee hee!! It was all going so well until I tasted it! :(
mine too.. it tasted like dirty dish water.. :(
It's probably just because you've started eating properly again. You'll have it off in no time, especially with that OH of yours cooking you yummy healthy food :)
Sorry about yr little gain - but you'll shake that off next week and some more no problem! Thanx for the soup receipe - will try that for lunchtimes :) xxx
Hi Karen, just ploughed my way through as I have not been on diaries for a few days....catching up is a nightmare.

Glad you are back to normal and an overall loss of 1.5lbs considering you were on holiday is still ok.

Soup is king for low point food....

Rosie x
so did i,it tasted like feet!! Had to throw it all out!!

mine too.. it tasted like dirty dish water.. :(

Ahhh this is why i dont eat soup ;) x

Hi guys. Put 1 on this week but i did have my choc binge yesterday and also my 2.5 off last week was partly down to my poorly tummy so i've not done too bad for my first week without the runs (sorry for tmi ;) )

Thats not too bad at all! It will be off in no time hon! Glad you are okay with it x
well done hun cant wait to see ur weigh in result for the next week it will b of u again in no time xx
I want to know how you know it tasted like feet, what do you get up to in your spare time LOL!!:rolleyes:

Don't worry about the pound gain, youve been ill on and off for a while and your body is getting used to being back to "normal", you'll soon have that off, I'm sure you get 6lbs off for Christmas.

How is Aussie Core going?

Was going to do Carrot and ginger soup for next week but now I'm thinking I will do the carrot and coriander with the lentils, sounds lush - in grams how many lentils do you add?

Take care
wishing you lots of luck this week. take care xx
Hi Karen

Hope your okay today. Just a friendly little post to say hope you have had a good day my lovely x
Hope you're good Karen! xxx
morning, hope your internent is back soon.xx
Just had a text from Karen to say her internet is playing up. She can read posts but cant post anything. She'll be back asap but in the meantime remember..... shes watching you ;)

Big Brother presents.........

Mini Karen!


(ps - available on all good TV's)