21lbs to go1
Full Member
Don't worry mommy I shall be adding to it, that's my basic - I wouldn't have the willpower or energy to use only 9. Expect a double up!
Don't worry mommy I shall be adding to it, that's my basic - I wouldn't have the willpower or energy to use only 9. Expect a double up!
Thanks Fuzzy, his eye is actually shut now but he and hubby still believe he is going to play in his cup final tommorrow - unbelievable!! xxMorning.
Sorry to hear about your sons head,hope its not too sore today for him..
Have a nice day x
hope your sons a bit better today and fingers crossed his scar won't be too bad.
have a lovely weekendxxx
Hi Joanne. I think I am eating all my points - just had fish and chips and they were yummy!!Hi Karen
Hope you are still battling away and not despairing too much. Sorry to hear about your son's head, what a nightmare!
Meant to say in your diary before, are you making sure you are eating all your points?? (i may have said this before on your diary, sure ive mentioned it somewhere before, sorry if i have!) its just my friend is doing ww and really struggling to lose any weight at all, she can't bear the idea of eating all her points! I'm always giving her a row but i think her metabolism is slowing right down. I usually seem to have better results when i eat all my points.
anyway hope you have a good weekend
I have just come across your diary and its fab. I have really enjoyed reading it. I can relate to almost all of it. I started swimming wen I started this diet 4 weeks ago and I totally agree. The oldies seem to think they own the pool. I tutted at one woman on Friday and got a right glare back. I only tutted becaue she nearly knocked my block off.
Regarding footie my son has palyed since he was 5 and he is now 19. We have been to Butlins at skegness aswell in the past. Not my normall cup of tea but I have put them down to the best breaks of my life. Like you we got on really well with the parents. The nightlife was such a laugh. The days were spent in fields playing footy and the nights in the club within Butlins. Brilliant. My son still plays 3 times a week and he would play football if he was on his deathbed. Honest take it from me don;t try and get between him and footy. Let him play and if he is injured whilst playing just be there for him. Not sure what age heis but depending on the level of footy he i playing the ref shouldn;t let him play with stitched anyway. My son plays at county level and he broke his wrist, expected to go on the picth with a cast on but the ref wouldn;t let him. Phew I was pleased.
Anyway I shall continue to read your diary. Nice to know I am not the only one with a mad house and that I can relate to alot of what you are saying.
Have a good day at football. Hope he wins (or his team)
Hi hon - a flyin visit as my charger not playing ball and trying to get round so many diaries in so little time
I been bit rubbish at point counting etc last week so not lookin hopeful for 2moro! xxx
Thanks Fuzzy, bit of a wet one and am famdabidozi!Morning,hope you are ok and have a lovely day today..