Have a good week

... Walking the pooches is as good an exercise as any...Maybe I need to make a dog out of a carrier bag stuffed with paper and a lead (can ya tell what it is yet? lmao!!!) and get dog walking
Haha - thought of you dragging a bag around - at least you won't have to pick up its poops! xx
Hey Karen hope the family is getting back on track... your food plan sounds yummy!!! Id get a dog bt Im scared of them
Have two cats and sure they dont like been on leads!
Hope you have a good week!
I'm scared of cats and they seem to know that so come to me

Belated well done on the 2lbs
Hi there Karen - well done you on the toning I really need to get and do some of that too!!
Hope your having a good week hun x
My tummy's hurting today xx
Hiya Karen just bobbing by to say hello and well done on the toning..
Have a nice day xx
Thank you Fuzzy, just following your good example with exercise. xx
Right nothing to say about diet but got to get something off my chest or I will burst... Took the dogs down the park and was just about to leave when one of them did a poop so I of course went to pick it up in bag an put in bin. In this time my little cavalier found another dog on a lead just entering the park and went to say hello. When I called him over for his lead the grumpy lady mumbled
"thanks for that",
at which point I said "what".
She said my dog had bad manners
"What do you mean", I said.
"Dogs off the lead should never come to a dog on the lead", she said (err what??).
My little dog is very harmless and only did a little trot around hers, so it was very uncalled for. Now I'm not an aggressive person, but I was not happy. She was still mumbling so I called her a "stupid b***h, who should p**s off to another park to walk her stupid dog.
Can't understand this nonsense. I wouldn't have let my other dog go over as she doesn't like other dogs, but little cavie wouldn't hurt a fly and doesn't go directly over to the dog, he just dances around excitedly!!
Thanks for letting my express my anger. Was a bit p****d off as work rang me up on my day off to talk about something a problem which they were trying to hook onto me. Grrrrrr - large g&t in order tonight me thinks.
Hope everyone else had a better day than me xxx