day 7
weigh-in: -6lbs
total loss: -6lbs
2pm- fruits of the forest pack, made into a mousse
6pm- choc mint pack made into truffles (made into a paste with 5 tblspoons hot water and frozen for an hour)
9pm- mushroom soup with added pepper
sorry sonkie, i lied. u havent lost a jay yet. hes 5 stones d'oh! YOU'VE DEFINATELY LOST A KIRSTEN AND ONE OF AIDENS LEGS THOUGH!
finding i have lost 6lbs this week has kept me motivated for the day. i am happy in ketosisland and ready to take on the world (one day at a time though, of course!)
im pretty confident that since changing CDC, I will now be able to stick with my fresh start 100% i am going to pretend this is my first time ever on CD! i dont see why not, i only restarted 2lb less than my original starting weight! i wont be leaving that 2lb off my ticker though! i was originally that 2lb bigger! instead i have moved down my target by 2lbs. not sure of the logic behind that but then "karen logic" does work on a whole other system that real human logic
Ive had a pretty uneventful day. Spent most of my time here...keeping motivated! Entertaining Ady and enjoying hubby being away!
For the first time ever, I invited my next door neighbour round for dinner. As Kev is away, i saw it as an excuse to have a girly night without any blokey hovering around lol.
So, made her baked spuds with cheese (her request...rather bland i thought!!) and i had my mushroom soup. i put the husks in th soup...will never do that again!! tasted like slime so will carry on taking it with water until i discover this famous porridge recipe lol.
anyways, she actually shocked me with her attitude to my diet. She started taunting me about real food!

how rude!!
i know im a big mouth and things like that BUT i would never be discouraging of someones goals or aspirations/weaknesses or whatever. i didnt start waving a bag of chocolate at her going "ner-ner-ner-ner-nerrr!" the day she popped in upset to have just discovered she was diabetic!!
so what happened? well she remarked about making herself something nice to eat lastnight and i laughed "oh god no one is allowed to discuss nice food around here anymore!" so she started exagerating her words and describing in detail everything she ate, how it tasted and so on. then she did the ner-ner thing.
lol...i know this must read as really petty but i was so suprised she did it! I mean, i wasnt jealous, it didnt make me hungry and what she was describing didnt even sound very bloody nice! (her vocab isnt very broad lol) I was just taken aback that she would do something so insensitive. i mean...what if it HAD made me want to cheat? what if it did have the affect she was obviously aiming for?
i dunno, will let it slide and wash over me. it didnt affect me just suprised to find someone who knows how important this is to me would try to sabotage it. someone who isnt my mother, i mean lol. im not mad or upset with her...just mildly suprised. ah well! u live and learn!
anyways, devoted too much time to typing about it!
havent spoke to kevin today. hes working 14 hour shifts in Beijing and the 8 hour time difference isnt very helpful lol. did try to call his hotel room but he wasnt there. ah well! nice and peaceful without him. stopped missing him now
after telling sonkie about our plans to move house and that i wouldnt be actively looking until we finish doing this hell-ole up, i caved and started looking at properties. it seems i may get the 5 bedroomed, big gardened house i want but looking at the'll be in a really crappy area lol!! will have to just keep looking!
looking forward to day 8