Kat1e's Diary - 7 years low carb - still learning!

paigesmum30 said:
Hi Katie,

Does the wine affect your weight loss? I'm a bit of vino drinker myself lol x

Well technically yes but not by messing up ketosis. When i used to track, i noticed that when i drank at weekends - 2 things happened. 1 load of extra cals from the booze but worse 2. It made me hungrier so i could eat far more food cals too. So has an impact!

To be fair, i didnt even manage 2 weeks induction clear - we have wine fri, sat, sun nights only and i have the whole way through. Only very dry whites and reds though - did give up champagne, cocktails etc Hasn't stopped me losing all this weight and i always said that had to feel like a lifestyle not a horrible restrictive choice! For the first 6 months i tracked food and wine, so potter through my diary if you want to see what i had.

Good luck what ever you choose
Evening all:)
DH just cracked the champagne - when asked apperently we are celebrating my course from earlier in the year which i passed with distinction - phew;)

Thank goodness it's the weekend - somehow been a manic day trying to solve unexpected problems for my charity and realising that so much is on that it's getting in the way of income generation:eek:

Treated myself to an egg cooker which we have been using this week. Saw them in the hotels in france. DH happy as he doesn't have to scramble my breakfast eggs and i'm enjoying perfectly cooked soft boiled eggs. I bought the princess one from amazon - 13 quid and very compact in the kitchen so recommended

Hope everyone has a fab weekend
good for you my friend Letty asked me to go to dancing classes with her i said ok, then she cant fit it in with her extremely busy family and social life, she mentions it every time i see her still, lol..

I have zumba on wii but lack the width in my room to give it some wellie xx
Ohhhh me too - love the sound of it, you know how I love my gadgets lol. Now if only I could find a machine that peeled them...

i would love to find a gadget that separates them, i bought an egg separator from ebay but the yolk goes through the hole, so its actually just a spoon... ugh
Evening Katie! Xxx
my mum always used to crack the egg and use the shell to separate them which is what i do, just pour the yolk from one to the other until all the white has run out, i did have a really good tuppawear separater once it was one of those little giveaway gifts they used to give out at parites, but it disappeared years ago, new ones are rubbish!!
Use your fingers! Tip egg into your hand, let white run between your fingers. A little bit slimy but quick and free!
i hate getting any egg on my hands just can't do it that way the shell way gets very little on me, i think i would barf if i had to touch slimy egg lol
Evening all:). Life getting in the way of mini-mins although try to read on my phone. Have to be up in town every day this week - not very well organised! Thanks for keeping my diary warm with eggy thoughts;)

All ok this end although doing less dancing than usual and feeling slightly tired - hope i'm not getting DDs cold:eek:

Highlight of the week - wore a pair of sz 14 m&s trousers yesterday - so exciting as first time since i was 14 lol! Need to just shave 1cm off the hips and tum to make them really comfy but the 16s look distinctly baggy:D

Also started a website to try and capture all my favourite low carb meals and recipes - it's a bit rough at the moment but once improved i'll post the link. In between, working on cv, coaching clients, interviewing volunteers, dancing, running around like mad thing....

Catch up later!
Well done on the website project, i want to start one coz i sell jewellery (mostly costume) but i have often thought of starting one but need shove in right direction, i know there are some sites you can go to do it, but never know which is best and how it gets hosted and marketed, maybe you can advise me in it once you have it sorted. xxx
Hi stubbsey - why dont you take a look at weebly - you can create a professional looking website and host it all for free! Really, really easy to set up. then later if you want you can get a proper domain name. I've actually got a proper website that i used to use but too difficult to keep up to date.
Wow Katie loving the idea of the website....and congrats on them size 14 trousers u must be really happy to be able to buy from normal stores now such an achievement .....u are an inspiration to us all to keep plugging away....was reading your diary last week and noticed that u drank red wine throughout and have changed my alcohol from vodka to red wine ....think it is doing the trick as I'm still losing even with having a couple of glasses ....so glad I read your diary x