Kat1e's Diary - 7 years low carb - still learning!

Somehow the world seems a better place after splitting a bottle of Sancerre with DH and sitting over dinner catching up :D
Let's assume tomorrow isn't a school day but planning to send DD off anyway lol :)
Glad your day has picked up <3 some just seem determined to suck no matter what you do.
Spud1859 said:
Hiya Katie, hope you have a good evening!:)

Thanks steve - started getting better with some TLC!
Waterworks said:
Enjoy Katie! I'm very late starting but I definitely feel a vodka or three coming on. ;)

As long as it's legal :D
ditzeeblonde said:
Definately wine o'clock here too!

Wine oclock - rather unexpected for me on a thursday altho DH and i used to have champagne thursdays every week after we watched some daft movie (failure to launch?) - unfortunately normally dancing gets in the way but the principle stands!
ladyfelsham said:
Wine o'clock here too before I go back to strict induction tomorrow (and then it will be gin o'clock lol)

Enjoy gin oclock!
Quak said:
Evening Katie, just contemplating a wine here too xx

Wine heals - and tastes nice too:)
rosebug said:
Glad your day has picked up <3 some just seem determined to suck no matter what you do.

Thanks RB - you are right. The key is to get over it as fast as possble! X

And apols to all for the multiple posts - can you do multi quote on an iphone/ipad?
Glad your day got brighter Katie. Amazing the difference a little (or a lot) of alcohol can make to your mood.
Morning Katie :)
Evening all

Had a nice day working from home plus got out to my lunch dance class so feeling more chilled. Got a babysitter tonight so off out to nandos and then the cinema - no idea what we're watching! Looking forward to the weekend - meeting my cousin for lunch up in town and then have my ps round for lunch on sunday. No crazy partying planned!!!:D

Food diary for yesterday:
B bacon and eggs
L meatloaf sandwich (flax bread) with one carb ketchup and celery
D prawn and noodle bake (new recipe using the shirataki noodles)
S 2 pepperamis, jelly and cream

W lots
E no - missed both my evening classes:(
A yes - half bottle white - yummy :)

Morning all, what a beautiful sunny day :D

Just enjoyed my scrambled goose egg - thanks again S&M :)

We saw The Adjustment Bureau last night - basically a romance/scifi based on a PK Dick short story. Interesting concept and good scenes/shooting - dialogue a bit stilted which let it down. Nice enough way to spend an evening out though!

Heading up to town shortly to meet my cousin for lunch - we're supposed to be discussing various life decisions. But while we're there I'm looking for some dance shoes and she needs a new handbag - shhhh dont tell the boys lol

Food diary for friday
B bacon and eggs
L tuna wrap and salad
D nandos half chicken and grilled portebello mushroom and salad
S mini pepperami, flax bread butter marmite

W some
E 1 hr dance class (particularly sweaty this week :eek: )
A no
Sweaty means it's working ;)

Oh is it sunny? Gosh at some point I should probably clamber from my pit and go to look. According to the beeb weather site, next week temperatures might -almost- reach a whole 60 degrees (once it gets above 70ish I shall be complaining about the heat, watch me).
Morning Katie, it's been a beautiful weekend here and it's sunny this morning