Kat1e's Diary - 7 years low carb - still learning!

Hi Lisa,
it's Madrid this weekend to visit a previous aupair - making the most of the 4 day weekend. No one needs to feel jealous - the forecast is appalling with low temperatures and tons of rain - it's likely to be nicer here. Having said that, when we went 2 years ago it snowed on us in central madrid in April so could be worse :eek: Perhaps we need to go further south?!

Will involve lots of tapas and wine - will try to avoid sherry & montilla!
Enjoy. x
Morning Katie, enjoy Madrid :)
Morning all :D

Thanks - all ready to go, just waiting for taxi. Slightly concerned as DD complained of feeling sick and hasn't eaten yet - do not want to spend trip covered in........! DH and i just about recovered from our hangovers;)

Anyhow, end of April weigh in - 0.5 kg off which is 0.3 kg below posted weight. Takes me half way to my mini goal and very happy for april!

Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and see you next week
Evening all :D
Hope everyone had a delightful holiday weekend!

We got back this afternoon and it's nice to be home. Madrid wasn't as wet as i feared and we even saw the sun yesterday! Tried to stay clean and green but struggled sometimes knowing what i was eating (my spanish not up to it lol ;) )

Put our one large bag for checkin on the scales at the airport coming home today - it was 14.5kg which is exactly what I've lost so far. No wonder i have more energy if I'm not lugging that around all day :eek: :D

Look forward to catching up with all
Welcome back Katie, sounds like you had a lovely time - I've never been to Spain, always seem to head to Italy. Ah well, one of these days!

Amazing about the baggage weight, really puts it in perspective, eh? :)
Morning all :D

Dropped DD off at school and back home......and for the first time in 20 years it's not leave!
Got a long list of things to do so not quite sure where to start.....

But more importantly need to get back focused on Atkins after all the hols. I must admit trying to stay legal at airports and in the air is not impossible but really really tricky!!

So tesco due to deliver a nice legal fill up at 10. Starting to get in a rut with meals so think I will dig some new recipes out. Also need to restart my dance classes this week - hope it doesn't kill me after 3 weeks off :eek:

I would like to get to my next mini goal of 95kg by end May - not impossible but I do have quite a lot of parties (aka drinking!) to do in between, so might sneek into june. Let's see

I am sure you will fill your time Katie, it is amazing how we ever ever find time to work! Enjoy xx
Evening all :)
Enjoyed the morning and then had to do some left over personnel stuff this pm. Still feeling pretty relaxed anyway. Good food day too.
Stopped by the pub with DH this pm since had to pick DD up from ballet - i can see this could be a pleasant regular habit - altho not ideal if trying to avoid tomatoes!

So back to tracking -
B bacon and eggs
L chicken caesar salad
D sausages, red cabbage, brocolli
S 2 mini pepperamis, little snack cheddar

W not enough - need to get back in the habit
E ditto!
A - got the habit;) One spritzer

Night all
Morning Katie, only a couple of days until the big day now :D
Morning all :D

Having a lovely morning - gently working my way through a to do list;) got dance class after lunch and then off up to london to give back all my computer kit and have my leaving party. Food will be legal but quantities of tomatoes NOT :eek:
And noone is to make any noise tomorrow morning................

Hi Jim - at the moment local forecast shows a bit of rain for saturday - hopefully only light or disappears again. I put a post elsewhere but think it got lost...when and where will you be on sat as i would love to stick my nose in and say hi - pref before the REALLY serious drinking;)
we are starting off at St Margarets Tavern probably about 11 (ish) after the game it's the Duke of Cambridge initially, and after that it's anyone's guess love :D