Kat1e's Diary - 7 years low carb - still learning!

Oh dear, letting the side down - after declaring yesterday I was off tomatoes, I now have a white wine in my hand...

Sounds like a good day for you, though hun, hope the BBQ goes well :)
Howdy pardner - well the steak "needed" a nice chianti :D
Its tomato time!
Evening all - this seems to have turned into the tomato thread for some reason?! Hmmmm

Anyhow, another busy day as up to london for various coffees plus my hygenist appt, then back to richmond for a salad on the green with DH. Home and emails, then parents, then tea, then dancing and then putting DD to bed. NO time for toms unfortunately :(

Anyhow, food diary catch up
B bacon and eggs
L ml wrap with smoked salmon and wasabi creme fraiche and cucumber (lush) with salad
D steak, brocolli, cauli mash
S pepperamis, pork crackling, raspberries and cream
A glass chianti
E hour dancing

B eggs and smoked salmon
L beef salad
D prawns avocado and boursin sauce with courgette past
S mini pepperami, pork crackling, cheese, 3 strawberries dipped in chocolate cream (4 carbs total and in my allowance! ;) )
A no time!
E more dancing!

Just going to sneak a House in then must be bedtime!
Woohoo - another 1.5kg off (3lb) :D:D:D:D

I'm within spitting distance of my next mini goal - and the associated shopping ;) Also I can into more of my smaller trousers.....the only downside is that I have nothing to wear for the black tie dinner party next weekend - both dresses I have are now too big but I'm not yet small enough for my original pretty clothes. Went shopping for just a sparkly top but couldn't find anything I liked and don't want to buy a dress for one event (I plan to lose more!!) Oh what a tough life!!!!:p

DH continues to lose even though he has added toast & fruit - I will be in trouble from his mum this weekend as we are visiting them;)

Anyhow, will have to work hard for a loss next week - we are away all this weekend and then it's birthday week so most days I am out for meal & the "odd" drink.

Have a good day all
Morning Katie, well done love, had you thought of hiring for the evening?
Thanks for the ideas folks! I have actually found one outfit that I can just squeeze into - leaves little to the imagination and DH very keen for me to wear that....hmmmm :D

Actually on the road now heading for Wales to see the in laws for the weekend - hoping the 3G signal lasts long enough for me to catch up on everyone's posts! Once there I will be cut off - no broadband, wifi, 3G - not even a poor little mobile signal. And it's usually cold and rainy...grump:(

So I will either stay inside, refuse to go out for muddy walks and read a good book or sit in sun drinking all afternoon - all while trying to avoid MIL;)

Have a great weekend everyone