Silver Member
I have just had my last lipotrim shake now.
My slim and save products have come and am so excited about starting them tomorrow now. Weird I know !
Have got a got a good selection and looking forward to trying all of them.
I still have a week supply of lipotrim refeed products so will be using them when I refeed.
Thanks to all who supported me on here. You have been fantastic !
I weighed at 12 stone 7 lbs. so looking forward to going down again !
I will still be popping in on this forum.

I have just had my last lipotrim shake now.
My slim and save products have come and am so excited about starting them tomorrow now. Weird I know !
Have got a got a good selection and looking forward to trying all of them.
I still have a week supply of lipotrim refeed products so will be using them when I refeed.
Thanks to all who supported me on here. You have been fantastic !
I weighed at 12 stone 7 lbs. so looking forward to going down again !
I will still be popping in on this forum.