Gold Member
Where are your pics kath? I wanna see! lol
OMG Kath you look Super, Smashing, Gorgeous. What an achievement I am so proud of you. (Thanks for posting your pics for us here) Angela x
Kath -- as you know I have said b4,you're a true inspiration...thank you 4 sharing your journey with me...
btw, your friend ketosis will be here b4 you know it!
I am glad you enjoyed your weekend...and well done you for blocking out your satisfied bingerand controlling yourself according to your intuition and the presenting situation...sounds like you will be able to develop a healthy relationship with food in no time!
:wavey: Have a great day!!!
OMG! You look AMAZING!!!!! What a transformation!! Thanks for putting them up hereWhat a difference! Can you see it as much as everyone else!! WOW!! Am stunned and in utter awe!! SO pleased for you. xx
Thank you
You know it's hard, I tell you times when I notice it, when I slip through a gap that in my head it's screaming 'YOU WONT' FIT YOU WON'T FIT' but I do without touching things...I notice it when I see myself next to someone else in the mirror. Mostly though I struggle with the new me lol - I say to my husband 'does this make me look fat?' he says 'no, because you're not fat, you're normal'
I met some ladies yesterday that are also going to Australia and they were gobsmacked I had another 2 stone to go and kept saying 'but you're fine, you're fine!'
I said 'ah, but you don't see me naked'![]()
It IS hard isn't it! I don't see the difference in me like others do at all! I still assume that I can't get through gaps so take the scenic route around chairs and tables.. but I still have a long way to go. I was talking to someone the other day who is gorgeous and slim and she's lost loads of weight, and she said that in her head she thinks she will always be a fat person. I can so understand that. In fact, her daughter tells her off if she sees someone slim and says "I would love to be like her"... because she IS like "her"!!
When I tell people I have to lose another 5 stone they are like "where from??" and I just smile and say - if you saw me in a swimming costume you wouldn't need to ask that!
You are SO close to goal now and you look absolutely fantastic! I think the hardest part is going to be the maintenance once there, but you know what, I have a feeling you are gonna be just fine - your resolve and determination isn't going to abandon you now and you are SO in control it's awe-inspiring!
Seriously impressed here! lol![]()
Yes it's true I think I'll always be a fat person in my head too! Especially today, I'm having a very fat day today![]()
I'm starving too - hopefully will be in ketosis tomorrow for my weigh in!!
I agree maintenance is going to be the tough bit isn't it, yes this diet is hard, damn hard some days but how many times do I hear myself saying 'when I'm off this diet'...well what does that mean, when I'm off this diet...I'm never really going to be off a diet am I. I'm going to have to be careful for the rest of my life.
That's a bit of a bummer lol![]()
Oh I HATE having 'fat' days!! It's like, every time you catch sight of yourself all you can see if flab and blubber and double chins... and you feel all bloaty and blerh!!![]()
'when I'm off this diet' simply means... 'when I have to be totally in control of food again and not go mad and be careful forever'... it's just a short way of saying it![]()
It is a bit of a bummer, but hey, it's better than being 8 stone heavier innit![]()
Hang on in there - that ketosis magic will kick in again very soon!![]()
Damn right!! I NEVER want to have to go through all this again - EVER!! I figure that investing this 12 months of regime will be the best investment for my health and wellbeing that I will ever do, but I ain't doing it to go back and regain and have to face it all again!!! Nope nope nope!!My son was asking me the other day 'oh mom, when can we go to pizza hut', NEVER was my reply! I really can't imagine ever having control over an all you can eat pizza hut buffetBless him, he's only 5 so never is a very long time
He was most unimpressed!
LOL, I know!! My Sarah went to pizza hut yesterday... I know I won't go in there again for a very long time... maybe never! He can go to his mates parties at Pizza Hut.. lol
Oh my gosh yes, I can't believe I'm nearly 8 stone down - do you keep saying to yourself 8 STONE, OMG! THAT'S A PERSON! It's a bit bittersweet really...when I tell people I can see the look of amazement in their eyes but I wonder...do I detect a note of disgust too..or is that my paranoid fat mind? Maybe in truth I'm a bit disgusted at myself for getting so overweight in the first place...but then what good are those negative thoughts doing me? No good whatsoever, that's a waste of energy and I must not think like that.
I think there is disgust...(perhaps I am similarly paranoid!) but not from friends and those who new the 'before' you, but mainly strangers...and those who cannot comprehend what we looked like with an extra 8 stone on our bones.. and I'm with you on the whys and wherefores.. and , in fact.. as much as at the moment I am more than happy to tell people how much I've lost... I can feel that changing too.... I think that I will probably stop yelling it from the treetops very soon as I find myself thinking "gosh, is the most important thing about me my weight loss??" NO!!! It IS bittersweet... and 8 stone IS the weight of another adult (albeit a skinny one - lol)... and it IS shocking to think that we need to lost that much.. and also that there is more to go! But you are right, negative thoughts are NO good at all.. chuck em out.. concentrate on the positives! It IS a massive achievement and life will never be the same again - it might not be better, lol, but it won't be the same!
That was the old me, I'll never be that overweight ever ever ever again. This is a massive journey we're on and one we're not going to repeat is it![]()
Damn right!! I NEVER want to have to go through all this again - EVER!! I figure that investing this 12 months of regime will be the best investment for my health and wellbeing that I will ever do, but I ain't doing it to go back and regain and have to face it all again!!! Nope nope nope!!
WE'RE never going to repeat this!![]()
so I justified it that I was owed a pack. Clearly I was not taking into account the carvery and fish and chips of the weekend when I decided I was owed the half a pack!!