It's my birthday today
I feel deprived, why is that? I want to go out for a meal, I want to have birthday cake and I want a glass of wine
We've been ten pin bowling, tried to think of something that didn't involve food. It was nice

Would have like to finish it off with a take away, bottle of wine and piece of birthday cake though!
Still, I've got to be careful, I had quite a heavy weekend - oh the joy of an all you can eat buffet breakfast :drool: It was an absolutely brilliant weekend, the hotel was perfect, really lovely. I really enjoyed sharing a bottle of wine with my husband and toasting our anniversary, it was so nice! We a meal on Friday night, had breakfast and evening meal on Saturday and breakfast on the Sunday then went back on to SS.
I had a little bit of cottage cheese tonight and a few slices of cucumber as a birthday meal - not very exciting but at least was something better than a shake lol
I'm hanging back celebrating as I've got an Arctic Monkeys gig on Friday and I'm using it as a birthday celebration. My little boy wants to buy me a cake and do happy birthday so I've told him to wait until Friday and we can do it before I go out as I'll be having something to eat and drink on Friday and Saturday.
It's such a hectic month April is for me! Saturday night is our girls birthday meal out, there are a few of us with birthdays all around March April May so I said we could celebrate them all in one fell swoop so it just means one night out and can limit the damage!
Thankfully then I've got nearly 2 weeks clear before a big weekend away in Dublin and then after that I've got 3 weeks I think before we go on holiday to Australia, after Australia I've got 3 weeks before Glastonbury festival

:silly: I really wanted to be at goal for Glasto, not sure how acheivable this is with all these things in between. Will do my best though....
Must start doing some excercise to try and negate the affect of the eating that I'll be doing...