Katie-x's Ketosis Journey....

How is today going Katie x
How have you got on with your restart today? Hope you are ok xx
It's a good day today, day one has gone just fine or it had until Marco has just been attacked by two dogs as we were coming home from my mums - one escaped it's lead and came at him and then as the boy who had him came over to get it he gave the other bigger dog to an eight year old girl to hold, she followed him over (!!!) and then that one attacked him too - luckily Marco seems fine, he limped for a minute and then stopped, I've checked him over and he seems ok thankfully!

Foodwise I've had a shepherds pie earlier and just had a hot chocolate and an orange bar, dietwise the day has been a good one :) xx
Couple of pics from Marco's first camping trip :) image.jpgimage.jpg


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Couple of pics from Marco's first camping trip :) <img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=148897"/><img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=148896"/>

Lovely! Nice boat too x
He's lovely. Good to see you back after your adventures

Jac x
Glad today went well for you, Katie. Good to have you back.
Little so & so's. Bet he was wondering what he'd done. Poor Marco :( x
Well done for getting through day 1 despite the stress!!
Hope you have a fab week 1 loss :)
Marco's lovely. I'm glad he wasn't hurt. It's awful when your dog gets attacked.
Well done on your diet today!
Argh this diet couldn't be going worse and it's driving me mad :confused: Just cannot seem to get into it, or if I'm being honest I can and then I just think stuff it lol.

did one and a half days TS and it didn't bother me at all, all felt good then hubby had some of those new deli crisps that I'd bought while we were camping and didn't eat, once he put the bag back I went straight into the kitchen and ate some, shouted upstairs to him that I'd had some and that I was having tea --- wouldn't mind but crisps aren't even my thing!!

That was yesterday and I'm still eating now - really not sure what's going on. Don't know whether it's because I feel normal sized, I know and understand that some people would feel really overweight at my size but having list over 4 stone at the moment and over six in total I feel 'normal' and slim and it all feels a bit of a drain.

Hubby is working overtime over the weekend so will be working for six days starting from tomorrow so my plan is to give it another shot from tomorrow, pledge to do the six days and then hopefully I'll be in the zone and raring to go - am not fully sure it's not hormones that aren't also making it difficult but hey I'll give it my best shot....wish me luck ;) xx
Katie I feel your pain hon.. Must be something in the water right now
Thanks Yoyo, bloody pain isn't it xx
I don't know what happens with VLCDs. You can be going great for weeks on end, as you were, and then fall off the wagon for some reason or come off plan and then find it virtually impossible to get back on. That's what happened to me when I did Lipotrim in 2011. Good luck with getting through the next six days Katie. Hopefully that'll be enough time for you to get back in the zone. :bighug:
Awww Katie. You have done brilliantly to lose so much. This diet is hard at times even when you are 100% motivated. Good luck with next 6 days but if you don't feel it then please don't beat yourself up. Maybe plan some low carb meals so you don't undo your good work and get back on it when time is right.

Jac x