It's been a mix of a lovely and an awful day today, woke up and my head, face around the bridge of my nose are killing, think it's definitely sinusitis, started on Saturday and has just got worse each day

Had a lovely walk with the dog, did a different route to the usual ones and really enjoyed it. Then went to mums where I was treated to a coffee and the dog got mackerel fillets (grrr)
Came home and about half hour later the dog walker came for him (I'd booked the morning off last minute and it wasn't fair to cancel her), while they were out I slowly tootled round doing bits of jobs. Not long before they were due back I went upstairs and polished our bedroom, while doing it I heard a bark outside (mine very rarely barks), looked outside and her van wasn't there so I ignored it, then there was another bark - I looked down into the garden and there was Marco!
Went down, opened the door to see him sat there being petted by the postman who asked was he mine, I said yes and he said 'oh he's got out love' to which I told him he was out with the dog walker! Brought him in and as I did my phone rang, the walker to tell me he'd run off so I told her he was home! She'd taken him as she usually does on the beacon and he'd done the whole hour off lead as usual then at the end as she was about to bring him home, he looked at her over his shoulder and ran over the beacon (in the direction we normally take him)! Little bugger must have thought, I don't want to go in that van, mummy is at home I'll just go to her

Luckily the way we go is only through a housing estate but next to the beacon is a narrow 60mph country road that he could have ended up on - am so grateful that nothing happened to him and if I'm honest glad that he's clever enough to find home. He was well and truly told off and he looked shamefaced, he knew he'd been naughty then the walker came and she told him off too.
Pics attached taken just after he'd been told off, he's all wet and has seeds off the field all over his face.
Food wise I've got my chilli soaking, will have a bar and shake later and will keep popping the painkillers, hope they're calorie free!