Well it's been a big :sign007: but it's over for now....though sadly maybe not for long! I had been doing so well until our wedding anniversary and that was the start of 6 bad days with awful food and drink choices - and I have to admit to them being purposefully chosen for being bad at times. I'm not going to go into food detail only to say that Mr Cadbury's was my chosen friend, even when I didn't really want him.
So today has been day 1 of what could possibly only be three days of TS as we are going camping from Thursday to Sunday (taking the dog

) and I know me and I already know that I'm not planning on being TS while I'm away.
I've got to pass a big thank you to TH for her very wise (& encouraging) words today as she talked plenty of sense to me while I was driving to a meeting and boy can that woman talk some sense - big thanks mrs xx
We met up this evening and took Marco (or he took us) for a five mile walk which felt great and I do feel much better for it, physically and mentally.
I was at a real low point last night when I realised that though I can do really well when TS'ing I'm really crap at real food eating and I had all the dark thoughts of is this what it's going to be like when I get to goal - I really do need to learn how to eat sensibly and not just eat for the sake of eating, otherwise I'll get to goal and then gain 2 stone in a fortnight - the only joy in my thoughts was that it was always 'when ' I get there rather than 'if' I get there......I've got some steep learning to do!
Hope the last few days have been good to everyone else, I'm off to do a diary catch up now
