Katie-x's Ketosis Journey....

It's great you've got TH near you! You can help keep each other motivated! Well done xx
It really does help, it's great having someone to motivate (nag) you and we are both good at that ;) x
Morning Katie. What are your plans for today?
Currently lay in bed Lynne with hubby snoring behind me :) He's on nights tonight (12 hours) and he always naps better if I'm in the bed ignoring him lol - my daughter, her hubby and the little ones are due here any time so I'll be sneaking out of bed soon..
How's your head this morning Katie?.hope its a bit better and you are managing to get those legs pedalling ?x
I couldn't do the class and had to leave as my head was throbbing, it's a bloody nuisance :( x
The Final Leg
Day 13/136
Start weight - 13st 6lbs
Todays weight - 12st 5lbs
Loss since yesterday sts
Loss to date - 15bs

Scales are stuck good and proper, think they know I'm desperate for that pound loss and are laughing at me :D
I couldn't do the class and had to leave as my head was throbbing, it's a bloody nuisance :( x

Oh no that's a shame but you gave it a go so get a big thumbs up for that Katie. Your body needs more time to recover but you'll get back to it soon.
Don't want to put your body under added pressure while your under the weather x.
Yeah what Susie said - be kind to yourself xx
It will come soon enough Katie!
Thanks all, just annoying when your body won't do what you want it to :)

All quiet here as the little people are here and are all both down with a McDonald's dinner, house smells of nothing else - they've not had one for weeks so rather than cook for everyone I sent Nat to pick one up.......it's shepherds pie for me lol - sadly no cheeseburger for me ;) Think Nat's made up as he never gets one lol.

Going to have a soak in the bath later and have an early night - my miles for today will be very poor.
My miles are poor for today and yesterday! It's a soak in the bath for me too!
Hope you enjoyed your bath and get a good night's rest - I've always been a big fan of baths but when I am doing this they take on even more significance as they are (for me) a non- food reward at the end of a day of rushing round like a loon and not eating anything - and they are a good way of removing myself when dh is cooking yum smelling food for him and the girls. You can lay back in lovely smellling bubbles that block out the food thoughts and smells - perfect!

Here's to a whoosh chickie, you are due one I think! those scales can't stick forever xxx
Have the scales moved this morning Katie? Got everything crossed for you ;-) xx
The Final Leg
Day 14/136
Start weight - 13st 6lbs
Todays weight - 12st 3lbs :wow:
Loss since yesterday - 2lbs
Loss to date - 17bs

Hurray for scales that move! 2lb loss this morning, am now 12st 3lb and my lightest in 26 years - am overjoyed :D

Apart from getting into the 11's (eek!) my next main goal is to get to 11st 7lb and be overweight, lol mad how being overweight is a big bonus :)

Hope it's a great day for everyone xx
wow that is great. Well done and you will soon reach your next goals.
The Final Leg Day 14/136 Start weight - 13st 6lbs Todays weight - 12st 3lbs :wow: Loss since yesterday - 2lbs Loss to date - 17bs Hurray for scales that move! 2lb loss this morning, am now 12st 3lb and my lightest in 26 years - am overjoyed :D Apart from getting into the 11's (eek!) my next main goal is to get to 11st 7lb and be overweight, lol mad how being overweight is a big bonus :) Hope it's a great day for everyone xx

Yey!! *jumps up and down clapping hands with glee!* that's fantastic news! Well done :)
Fabulous Katie. What an achievement. How good to the ears do the 11s sound. x
The Final Leg
Day 14/136
Start weight - 13st 6lbs
Todays weight - 12st 3lbs :wow:
Loss since yesterday - 2lbs
Loss to date - 17bs

Hurray for scales that move! 2lb loss this morning, am now 12st 3lb and my lightest in 26 years - am overjoyed :D

Apart from getting into the 11's (eek!) my next main goal is to get to 11st 7lb and be overweight, lol mad how being overweight is a big bonus :)

Hope it's a great day for everyone xx

That's brilliant Katie. Well done. I'm so pleased for you!
Thanks ladies, I'm still smiling lol xx

Just took Marco around the block with Nat and as I was heading home one of my neighbours stopped me to say that she'd just looked across the road and wondered who that was out with Nat and the dog - she hadn't recognised me...she only lives next door but one :) She said I look amazing and have done so well and that she can't believe how my face has changed - got to be happy with that :D

It's our 26th wedding anniversary tomorrow so attached are two photos, one of me (& hubby) at our blessing on our silver anniversary a year ago yesterday and the other of me just now, not the most flattering at all as I've been sunbathing all day!


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Wow Katie! You have changed so much! Still a beautiful face in both pics though :) xx