Katies Diary & General Rambling

I got in ketosis in two days then fell off wagon celebrating birth of my first niece and only gave in due to being so overtired as stayed up all night waiting to hear she had arrived. I am gonna start again monday as just not mentally capable today.
Been doing lits of clearing out ready to start painting and am pooped as not enough energy with nit being back in ketosis.
I will get there though I know it.

Just seen your post. Got i pad now too so can keep better in touch at caravan. Don't feel bad u have had two weeks on run with smaller losses. Why don't u put all your mental energy into doing ss until next WI but have an ss+ at your dads party? But I would only do say walking n swimming until after next WI. Your body could be storing things due to panic about exercise. So if u concentrate on the diet side if it until June 6th then take it from there?
I can't find u on facebook hunni. Look me up xxx

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Hey Katie!

How's it going? Who is winning the race to Ketosis. It's Day three in the Cambridge Diet house for me. I just saw some ungodly pictures of myself scaling Go-ape in delamere forest, I have to say the sight of my cellulite peppered butt in track pants really has spurred me on/made me feel sick.

I just got an amazing book which is all about eating behaviours. You sound exactly like me, in that you have a lot of fear about eating and it getting out of controll...dont worry!!!! Its a long road isnt it????

I hope you are back into it.


Nat, what is the book? Sounds good!!!

Katie, don't worry about your wagon collapse....I would just say you need to give yourself space to celebrate. And then reconnect with your goals. It was the thought of my Rock n Republic jeans that got me back on track today.

I did a lot of exercise today. I kinda need it t keep me going. I think my body is just a bit stubborn a passing up fat when it gets to around the 12 stone mark. But you know what?? It is jus gonna have to change.

Am thinking about having a complete day off at my dad's next week, but we'll see. If I go. Der 12 stone on my scales this week I'm not going to want to go back up.

Grrrrrr. Have. Good time at your caravan darling. I'll find you on fb xxxx
I can't find you.....my email address is [email protected]. I never use that account but it is my Facebook login so you might have more luck tracking down my profile. Missy Jo Lovejoy xxx
Trying to find u now having saved your email address on my hotmail. What a palava lol xxxx

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Right fellow CD'ers I am going to get back to posting daily now. Have spent the last week messing around trying to re start and just not got there. So my one week off because of being ill has ended up two weeks now. Not weighed myself I daren't do.
So tomorrow I am going to restart. I've done no food shopping and packed only CD things for at the caravan.
Reasons to motivate myself.
* I can feel myself slipping again and don't want to go back to a size 20
* I go to Sicily four weeks on thurs and I don't want to feel disgusting on the 'white dinner' evening and be the fattest person out of a group of 60 on this free fancy trip.
* I want to feel lighter and healthier so I can go on bigger walks with hubby and dog and not get tired so quick.
* I want to be a size 14 again by family wedding in September and Tenerife the week after that.
* I want to get pregnant and losing weight will be a key to this plus currently I could be 6 months pregnant and no one even notice!!!!

Water purchased, shakes soups and bars purchased and hand blender packed. I know I will have to come off plan in 32 days but I can lose alot by then I know it.


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You know what. Yesterday I felt like I could really give up...today, even after my experience with the maple pecan porridge...I am feeling fired up and ready to gooooooo.

Three days of torture in the caravan, no food stuffs, you will be totally back on it...like a car bonnet (in the words of geordie shore!)

Sending you some willpower and postive vibes...

Morning campers. Have weighed myself this morning and my second week off plan has put me another 4lb on which considering I had a huge curry last night and it TOTM isn't bad going. So am ready for it today bring it on. Have a great bank holiday everyone xx

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* I can feel myself slipping again and don't want to go back to a size 20
* I go to Sicily four weeks on thurs and I don't want to feel disgusting on the 'white dinner' evening and be the fattest person out of a group of 60 on this free fancy trip.
* I want to feel lighter and healthier so I can go on bigger walks with hubby and dog and not get tired so quick.
* I want to be a size 14 again by family wedding in September and Tenerife the week after that.
* I want to get pregnant and losing weight will be a key to this plus currently I could be 6 months pregnant and no one even


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Good lass Katie....identifying your reasons is the most powerful means of getting back in the game. You can achieve amazing things in the next 32 days and feel so much better when you go away. Imagine feeling more sleek when you put your hands on your hips in your favourite dress.....GO GIRL xxxx
Day 1 spangling

I used to cheat on a diet then turn that one lapse into a week or two weeks now I will assess it as a small blip and remind myself of why I am doing this and where I want to be so I can get right back on plan.

I used to give up dieting after a month at the most 6 weeks. Now I set myself smaller goals so that each one achieved means a fresh target to aim for so I don't get disheartened so quickly.

I used to avoid social events when dieting or use them as an excuse not to diet now I know I can stick to plan and others opinions of my not wanting to get pissed or eat loads do not mean as much as being a size 14 does.

So today I have drank nearly 2 litres already which is good for me I have had one bar sand still have a soup and a mousse split into two left for later. I am at the caravan with a splitting headache but I know this will pass by Thursday morning. I may have gained 9 pounds in two weeks but I have still lost 6 overall.
The sun is shining in Wales and I can enjoy fresh air and walking soon as headache gone ;-).

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Go go go Katie!! Great to see your launch back into the plan and into Spangle land!! Are you hiding in your caravan bedroom with the doggie?

Lol that makes me sound mad I love it. I am watching cricket highlights after an amazing win today for England. I love cricket and we went to ashes for honeymoon in dec/jan. I still have half a mousse and a soup left then I will hide in the bedroom from 8pm lol. My first ever day of ss with a few splashes of skimmed milk. Have only ever done ss+ before but last few weeks on it before I was sick taught me that greed even got the better of me on ss+ as I stopped weighing the protein etc so I am going to do ss for a week and decide next Monday how long I can do it for. I fell ss+ may be better for days when I am doing long walks or going out socially. I feel I need to take control of the greed and prove that I can do this 100% that way I will never need to 'cheat' then as I can just switch to ss+ if I need to. But I feel last time I was probably switching to 810 plan for 70% of the week as I got too casual about it and then wondered why I only lost 1lb on sqecond wi. I am going to go off my scales for my wi as that's where I started at the beginning and cdc's have been very inconsistent plus I can stick to same time of day etc. I didn't get weighed at the start four weeks ago by CDC so this will help me keep track.
So can I complete a full day of ss? Of course I can
I have been spangled xx

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Good lass! Spangletastic!! I switch between SS and SS plus and apart from last week's measly pound off am achieving decent loss. Keeping your mind occupied is the best way my dear...even if it is with cricket....lol.

How is that lush doggie? Xx
Well the lush doggy has been sulking in her bed so I called her out and she's now laid next to me on chris's side of the bed snoring her head off haha. Why she insists on taking up 75% of a king size bed is beyond me lol. This could be a miracle and a 100% ss day woo hoo xx

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Well the lush doggy has been sulking in her bed so I called her out and she's now laid next to me on chris's side of the bed snoring her head off haha. Why she insists on taking up 75% of a king size bed is beyond me lol. This could be a miracle and a 100% ss day woo hoo xx

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No miracle, baby....Spanglism. And anyway, you are a roaring success! You would not believe how much of my bed these little rats take up...and their sleep noises make me laugh. I have just changed my sheets and banned them from going up there and scruffying them up. The blighters.

Lol how many doggies u got n what breed? Holly is my baby :) xx

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Two Westies, Rog and Ferg. They are my babies too....they rule the roost x
Oh I love westies. I have a friend on here who lives nr me and she has a westy called Holly hehe. Chris says I love the dog more than him haha xx

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And damned right too....me and the lads are at the top of the pack structure too :) xx Night sweetie xxx
Day Two of I've been spangled

Am I committed or am I interested in losing weight.

Ok so i perhaps have only Been interested before but need to be committed.
So on sat when we go to our friends house for a games night and take away I will be committed and either have nothing or have tandoori chicken as an ss+ option. My aim will be to have nothing if possible though.
My big one is Sicily four weeks on Thursday. A group of 60 of us on this trip we won at work with partners am I committed yes and how can I show I am committed. I am toying with ideas of how to get round this. Breakfast and lunch I can manage as we don't have to all eat together it's the evenings I will struggle with as it will be a fixed three course meal. Any ideas so people don't make an issue of me not eating much?

Today I will go for a walk even thou it's day two and I am tired and hungry I will go out with hubby n Holly for a walk because I am committed!!!!!!!

Can't weigh myself as not at home but feel less bloated already xx

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