Gold Member
wow you are doing so well, I started at 136 kg and now i am 119, my friend is aussie so i convert it for her all the time, plus it sounds less than lbs lol. I cannot wait until I am under 100kg - it seems like it might never happen sometimes, and then when i think it might happen i tend to freakout even more lol.
why am i so afraid of losing weight???
Thank you - when I was weighing at Lighter Life the scales were in kilos so it means more to me know than stones and lbs. The book I am reading at the moment talks about how for many of us there is a fear of losing weight because if feels like the weight is important for defense or survival. The book is designed for therapists but it says that if the fear isn't dealt with first then it will be extremely hard to lose or maintain weight. I think this is the difference between those who have a couple of stone to lose and those of us who have a substantial amount. I often said that it felt like I was putting the weight on on purpose. I have needed a therapist to help me make some sense of it. It doesn't seem logical at all on the surface but I don't think it's uncommon. My Lighter Life counsellor used to say that a lot of people stopped and put the weight back on when they reached about 28 BMI. And I think Jo is right - there is a cloak of invisibility that comes with the weight that is very comfortable. I could almost sense becoming visible again and it takes some getting used to.
I think if we are able to keep questioning our own motives and reasons and share our thoughts with each other, then we have a good chance of cracking this.