Many thanks for your comments
- sorry not answered you sooner
- had an off week - but please call and comment again.
Well I actually did the grapefruit and egg diet but didn't follow it to the letter - I sort of kept SW in my mind whilst I was doing this and yes the biscuits did look to me, stare me down and were in my Opinion down right rude- mmm that told them " I ate them":17729:
So back on track this morning
- I 'mostly having' a green day today.
Bkft: Fruit (grapes 5 red and 5 black 3 strawberries and half a banana) with Activa mandarin yogurt - Peppermint Tea. - all free
Snack: HEXB ( 1of 2) Alpen bars
Lunch: Cous Cous - AH Spicy sensation with salad and bit of cottage cheese and tsp of Thousand Island Dressing (need to syn that)
Snack: Fruit.
Dinner: Pasta and John West Light Lunch I think ( need to find out syns) so will update later.
My tablets are nearly finished for chest infection so can go back to the gym hooray. So have booked myself to go Tues and Thurs PM (would prefer to go in the morning but find it hard to get up).
Thats it for now..