Hello everyone, sorry for disappearing, I just needed some time to myself to process things in my head.
Yes I had a gain and yes after my huge dinner on the weekend I was expecting one but not 3lbs :cry:. More than the 3lbs, what's got to me the most is I won't be able to go away with my 4.5 stone award before my Operation which is next week. This is my last week on mins and next Tuesday my last weigh in, then I will be off for a whole month (May) recovering from my Op. I have to accept that I will go away next week maintaining my 4 stone off. That means when I resume SW in June I will have 3 stone left to lose to get to my target. If I had achieved my 4.5 stone award before going then it would have only been 2.5 stones to target. Anyway it is what it is, and I guess I should still be proud of keeping 4 stone off.
I will continue with the Salad Challenge this week, just because it will be healthy to do so for my body, bit like a detox before my Op, I'm not doing it for losses, as long as next week I am keeping off my 4 stone I will be happy.
I also remember when I had my pre-assessment for my operation 2 months back I was 1 stone heavier, I think the hospital staff will be happy to see I am 1 stone lighter, and this inturn will also help my recovery. So I do have something to be happy about.
Thank you all for your lovely messages. Bet you'll all be glad, no more miss stressyhead in May lol

, I'll give you lot a month off ! hehe
Hope you've all had a lovely day and I will catch up on diaries soon.
Kay xx