Morning everyone :wavey:,
Think I've managed to catch up on diaries

. I'm feeling much better as each day passes, I feel like my old self is coming back

. I have had a chance to think and reflect over the weekend. My sister will be going back on the weekend, I should be fine alone from then on. I am walking around now and am able to sit easily . I have started exercising, just 10 min walk in the garden each day which is good for me. I will soon finish my antibiotic course and the meds will go down which I am happy about.
I have decided to start my Salad Challenge again from next Monday 30th June. I will be going back to group on Thursday 3rd July too. I weighed myself this morning and I am still maintaining at 11st 7lbs

, I hope I can stay that weight until my first weigh in on Thursday 3rd of July. I will then use the month of July to lose 7lbs and get me to 11 stones or even better in the 10's if I'm lucky

. I know this all sounds good in theory but we all know life happens and things get in the way sometimes, so I can only hope and pray that things go to plan for me

I will do a big salad shop at Asda on the weekend. This will be my last week off plan so going to enjoy it without going crazy . I can't seem to turn off my SW head, I still find myself wondering what syns are going into my mouth lol. Anyway I hope your all having a fab week. Since being off for my recovery so many of you have achieved new losses and awards, its so inspiring for me to read and has given me the motivation I needed to get back on plan.
Mini Goals
Before my Op when I achieved my 4.5 stone award, I said I will not set any mini goals just yet because I had to wait for my recovery. I am now able to do so and this is what I am aiming for :-
1) Monday 30th June - To start the Salad Challenge
2) Thursday 3rd July - first weigh in, returning after Op, hopeing to maintain at 11stone 7lbs
3) July Challenge - To lose 7lbs and get my 5 stone award
I think that should be enough to keep me busy

, hope you all have a cracking week ! Catch up with u all soon, time for some rest

Kay xx