Hello hun, thanks, I think not having them in the house has helped lol . Pain is bit better, hope you've had a nice dayxx
Evening Kay - I should have done with my maltesers what u did with the biscuits lol oops too late now!!
Im using a stressful day/bad news day as an excuse!!
I just popped back quickly to reply to a friends pm but was very sad to hear about your sis, its been one thing after the other for u this week hun (((hugs))). Hope she gets better. On a more positive note, well done on a STS
knew u would do it and congrats on the platinum membership
Covering biscuits with Fairy liquid? Wow, that's some avoidance tactic! Congratulations on achieving it.
Hope you have a good away day, and look forward to catching up on your return.
Hehe Patty, drastic times require drastic measures, either that or its back to Sheila wiring my jaw ! :ignore: xx
Thanks lovely.
Yeah im still a little in shock, I just wish she would look after herself better :cry:x
xCiggy's no good for her hun, she should start by trying to cut down a little, it will defo help her xx
Lol I think its mine that needs wiring tonight!!! My food was fine for a WI day until teasergate happened!! no bloody willpower me
Yeah I told her that hun but shes very very stubborn unfortunately
Okie tokie, I'm signing off now, TOWIE then bed. I will be at my aunts tomorrow so will be back on Friday. Have a nice evening everyone, catch up with you lovely ladies on Friday. Night nightxx
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Morning Kay, and all. Hope you slept well and have less pain today. Hope you have a lovely day out todayx
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Lol I think its mine that needs wiring tonight!!! My food was fine for a WI day until teasergate happened!! no bloody willpower me
Good morning everyone ...whoopsie its afternoon.
Got up late this morning was up last night chatting with my friends Von & Bubble . I've drank 1.5 litres so far on plant nanny. I went for my walk in the garden this morning for 15 minutes, now pain has started againI've taken some killers. I stepped on the scales this morning and they are 1lb up :cry:, got to stay away from the biscuit tin. Well in my fit of rage this morning after weighing, I did what one of my friends told me on mins, when all else fails then a bottle of fairy liquid will do the trick ! I just can't trust myself from scoffing biscuits when their in the house (I didn't buy them, grrrr) its my weakness, so I emptied the tin and drizzled fairy liquid over all of them, their in the bin now. Serves me right. No temptation in the house now, hope to be good from now on, its so important that I maintain my 11st 7lbs going into next weigh in, I will not lose my 4.5 stone award, I will not go backwards, NEVER !
Rant over ! Kay xx