Ive had 7 ops on my foot :-( they wont touch it again now so just gotta live with it.
ive had a silicone implant put in which I was allergic to, ive had a metal pin put in, ive had a screw put in which pierced my skin and had to be removed, Ive had bone grafted from my hip and put into my toe to bridge the gap where they removed the joint.
Now I have 2 massive lumps on the top of my foot because even though they shaved the bone from my hip to place in my toe, bone keeps growing!! so it has continued to do this giving me excess bone. All they can do is take me in and shave it, but it means going back through scar tissue and it will only grow back again :-(
Ive bought some white vinegar and listerine to try Chelle's recipe for foot soak so will try that tonight

it may take a few tries but hope it works x