It is going to go sooo fast ,
I don't know I've not said anything, but I can easy get a train ,
If I had to get a letter from my dr I was leaving Friday as bruv in law finishes just after lunch so I was going to get a late appointment , but with the consultant doing it and giving it my sis, I can stay till Sunday,
It's going to be so strange not being with Chan , can't believe it's been 6 month , but then he says but you will be with sis and bruv in law , he will be back alone so it will be very strange for him, I try to make light of it saying he will enjoy the peace and no nagging lol
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Hi Von - My big toe goes mad with the damp and cold I have a metal pin in it and cant bend it due to a condition called Hellux Rigidus :-(
Hi Von - My big toe goes mad with the damp and cold I have a metal pin in it and cant bend it due to a condition called Hellux Rigidus :-(
His uncle and family are about 20 miles away , and uncle comes visiting regular,
But no all other family back in Iran
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He is hoping to go visit family September/October but it depends on money,
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Did you once mention that you went to dinner at his best friends house with his wife, does he live close to Chan ? xx
I was thinking of going to see my sis Sept/Oct I was just telling Sheila, but will have to wait and see what the surgeon says first, sitting down is still difficult and its a 10 hour flightxx
Yea they live maybe a couple of miles away , he will invite him there after work so he not in his own , their in a similar situation to chan and I,
He lives here his partner lives in London , so they commute to see each other, I think they are in London ATM,
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Thanks, I'm sure we will ,
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Vonnie will you ever go to Iran with him on a trip ?xx
When you see the surgeon will you find out if you need the other op ,
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Yep Vonnie hopefully I will findout then am nervous xx
His uncle came bk last week and he said the family were saying to him to tell chan to take me with him,
He is going to see how easy or hard it would be to get me a visa , but I'm not sure i could go this year as in getting time off , espech with all the time I've had , il have to make sure I've got the correct clothes for going out, in the house my normal clothes are ok , but chan said he would help me with that so I'm sure I get the correct things,
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I have an idea what the culture must be like in Iran because I stayed out in the middle east for a while, it is quite strict, no drinking allowed and they eat halal meat only no pork or ham because its an Islamic countryoh and no kissing allowed in public either or they send you to jail
hehe I'm not kidding ! xx
Yea he says it's very strict, some if the things he told me about him growing up , I was like amazed , things your thrown in jail for,
Oh il have to behave myself ,
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