Afternoon everyone :wavey:,
I got a lovely text today from my old C, she wanted to know how I'm getting on since my operation. I'm gonna miss her so much

, she was fab ! I have no idea what my new C will be like, I'm trying to stay positive but in the past when we've had C's coming to cover, they've not been that great and members have not stayed for group

. To me having a strong C to motivate me is a big part of what I pay for at group. In terms of knowing the plan, I've done it long enough now and can carry on, on my own. If I don't feel a strong vibe with her, then I will probably start doing SW from home just on mins. I could put that money towards new clothes. Ideally to leave group is not what I want, I love getting my shinny stickers and certificates in group. Plus making friends with everyone is a large part of it too.
I'm going back after 4 weeks off, I've only met my new group once, other C was covering, they seem like quite a loud bunch lol, its too early to say, not had a chance to get to know any of them yet. There is another group I could go to, but its further away from my house. After our original group closed down, all my other friends from that group went there, there isn't anyone I know here

After my operation, my mini goal for myself for July was to maintain my 4.5 stone award and keep it off. I did some weighing on my home scales whilst my sis was looking after me, I was eating off plan during my recovery and at one point had gained 3lbs back on. Through cutting back I managed to get some of that off and the Salad Challenge last week helped too, so fingers crossed I'm hopeful the 4.5 award is still there

. I didn't want to go backwards on my journey.
Whenever each year starts I say to myself `this is gonna be your year Kay ' the amount of times I have promised that to myself and the number of years that have gone by, its become a bit of a joke really

and I can only blame myself. I'm not going to let that happen this year. My mind is very strange lol most people get encouraged by compliments, and don't get me wrong, I love them too, but I have a habit of getting complacent on my journey, like I don't need to work at it any more, I've done enough, which is not the right way to think. Infact I would say once you've past the halfway mark on your journey its gets even tougher to shed those pounds, so you must keep up your momentum

I have my Hospital Appointment on Monday with my surgeon to discuss my progress. My back is feeling so much better and stronger since my Op and he did promise me last time that we can discuss me returning to exercise. Omg how much I've missed the gym, it makes me sad

. I have friends at the gym who I haven't seen in ages, one of them is a Personal Trainer, she is lovely. I will use her guidance if I return so I am doing exercises that are safe for me.
When I'm one stone away from target I really want to start toning up, I don't want to be all flabby and lose weight, I want to look and feel good. I tried some of my small clothes on yesterday and right now I feel so huge and lumpy bumpy in bits, I hated what I saw in the mirror :cry:, I really need to firm up badly. I'm hopeing the gym won't slow my losses down, but even if its does, I don't care because I want to be toned and fit when I get to target

I apologise in advance if I become miss stressyhead :queen: by this evening, those of you that know me well, this is just the norm for bunny a day before her weigh in

. Wish me luck for tomorrow peeps !
Wow looking back I've written a lot

, time for a food break me thinks, catch you all soon, hope your all having a lovely day !

Kay xx