Oh no lovely hope you manage to get some rest xx
I'll be fine after a good kip
Oh no lovely hope you manage to get some rest xx
Evening Kay, sending you a big hug. :hug99: Try not to worry too much, I'm sure your going to reclaim your 4.5 st marker and a lot more on top, you deserve it so muchX
Evening Kay - hope you had a good day hun. Good luck for WI tomorrow you will do grand I can feel it xx
Hi Kay, I'm here, no need to tell me twice. I am sure that you will be fine at WI tomorrow I'm sure that you will blast it. Here's the wave you asked for he hearty0019: xx
Thanks Sheila, always feels good when you pop round to wish me, good things happen and you've got more faith in me then me
hehe . Hope you had a fab day hun and well done for staying within target range, whoop whoop !
Kay xx
Aww thank you so much HN. Happy happy happy to see you on my diary !Nooooooooo I didn't ask you twice did I ? lol
Well I'm not called nutty bunny for nothing. The left hand doesn't know what the right hands doing sometimes ......oh no that so doesn't sound right - delete - delete :giggle: hehe xx
I have every faith in you hun - you can do it. Kick up the bum is the other option lolIm not at work tomorrow hehe x
Sad to say I understood what you meant ha ha Good inspirational post on the challenge. I will have to get my camera sorted out. Argos are supposed to be sending me a replacement tomorrow. So you can see some of my creationsI'm more of a baker. Incidentally the Hairy Bikers are on t.v. at the moment and they are making me hungry noooo turn it over quick.
Can't undo the good work. Night, night Kay good luck for tomorrow:wavey:
Aww thanks Sheila I'm gonna have an early night feel so tired, Yay ! your off tomorrow, I should be back from group bout 12ish ready to post lol good things I hope, otherwise it will be one long rant from me about how I didn't gel with my new group
. Hopefully not
. Night night lovely, speak tomorrow.
Kay xx