Gold Member
I might buy again to take home with me
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Sometimes I forget if I'm writing on your diary or mine
I might buy again to take home with me
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Oh does it not show ? ok I bought the Irish Cream and Amaretto, not had any today but will tomorrow, hope I don't get hooked and forget my water
lol xx
They've got them on offer now in Sainsbos for £2oh and I bought more of the Quorn peppered steaks and Quorn Jumbo Burgers for £1 from Asda
yummy yummy xx
Sometimes I forget if I'm writing on your diary or minehehe xx
Does that coffee have any syns Kay? I adore amaretto flavour things (and marzipan but we won't go there!) so it sounds tempting?Do you justake it like ordinary instant coffee? Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Does that coffee have any syns Kay? I adore amaretto flavour things (and marzipan but we won't go there!) so it sounds tempting?Do you justake it like ordinary instant coffee?
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Have they £2 , oh that's maybe swung it
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Im the same , I forget where I am and will merrily take over anyone's diary , if we start chatting I just carry on ,
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It's addictive , I got the Irish coffee one think it lasted me 3 or 4 days, they are small jars tho
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Omg Cloudy its amazing and its syn free hun ! You'll be in heaven promise !Espesh the Irish Cream one, I am addicted to it, yep their instant. I fully recommend them. Sainsburys have them on offer at the mo £2 only for the jar
. Kay xx
Yep Vonnie grab them while their reducedtheir perfect on a cold day to warm you up
It's addictive , I got the Irish coffee one think it lasted me 3 or 4 days, they are small jars tho Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
How many cups per jar do you reckon? Guess still reasonable price compared with having coffee out, even if not quite on the same league.Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Well done Kay. You beat me into the 10s. How very dare you! Fantastic result.
How many cups per jar do you reckon? Guess still reasonable price compared with having coffee out, even if not quite on the same league.
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I think everyone forgot to ask me thathehe even I forgot to mention it, was so excited about my loss. Her style is very different to my old C, but she has a funny sense of humour and is very warm, I like her so its all good
. I get the feeling she's not as organised though because she didn't have any certificates, she said she will give it to me next time, so should be ok, but I got my shiny sticker for my book
. Thank RR for your good wishes hun, I really appreciate it, I am a super duper happy bunny today
. Hope your having a good week too lovely.
Kay xx
I was having a few cups a day lol I finished one and was making another 5mins later, We need Kay to check the millage I think there 50ml but I could be wrong , they look small jars Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins