Kay, don't worry about the incomplete message. Just tried to explain but yet inbox is stuffed lol.
Oh and lock those biscuits away!! X
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I'll send the pm later but have been told to post direct to you here, you're a curry genius. I think my husband wants to come and live with you lol. Everyone else is tucking into seconds, thirds even hehe.
Right back to the table with refills of drinks. X
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I've eaten too many biscuits von with my coffee, feeling sickishxx
Just having to giggle now
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Evening KayHope you've had a nice day xx
Aww we all have blips hun.... Hope your tummy feels better soon!!Hi Kathryn, I struggled with the biccy tin tonight, my diets gone to potand stomach feels sicky. Having peppermint tea now, how was your day ? xx
Aww we all have blips hun.... Hope your tummy feels better soon!!
I'm absolutely shattered after doing all the garden this morning, and bits and bobs this afternoon... I'm ready for bed now lol x
I'm sure you must be in the 10's now with all that body magic, my biccys have probably put me back in the 11's
Time for bed me thinks, feeling really tired. Catch you all tomorrow ladies, night night sleep tight. Kay xx <img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=145922"/>