Hello everyone

, Sorry I've been AWOL. Thank you so much for all your lovely messages of support, even though I feel like I don't deserve them

. I have been quite unwell this last week, it got quite hectic towards the end rushing to the airport to seeing my cousins off. I think all the eating made me really sick and unwell :cry:. There are so many more photos which I could upload on here, all to do with us going out and food pictures, but I think I will just move forward now, although it was a nice time, the reality of the weight gain is hitting the bunny hard now

. I braved it this morning and went to group. I spoke with my C yesterday and told her I have gained a lot so she knew what to expect, she was very supportive but I didn't want to stay to group today, I am still unwell

. I weighed 10,10 4 weeks ago, I now weigh 12 stones :cry::cry::cry:. I've lost my 5.5 stone award, I am now back at 4 stones

. I'm a complete failure, I wont get to target by the end of this year now as I had hoped

. Well done for screwing it up for yourself for another year Kay !AGAIN !! Every year I make promises to myself and FAIL ! I seem to have lost the will to fight anymore :sigh:. Maybe I will never be that slim person I believed I could be

. I will always be fat and that's it ! Sorry for the doom and gloom post peeps. I just don't feel ready to be on any plan right now. I'm sorry for letting you guys down, I know I'm not my normal self at the mo. I think I may go hide for a while till I'm ready to come out. Sorry I've not been able to catch up on diaries and thank you to those that left lovely messages on here and pm'd me. I hope to be back soon. Take care everyone, your all doing so well. :sad0071: Kay