Hello everyone,
Sorry I've been AWOL. Thank you so much for all your lovely messages of support, even though I feel like I don't deserve them. I have been quite unwell this last week, it got quite hectic towards the end rushing to the airport to see my cousins off. I think all the eating made me really sick and unwell :cry:. There are so many more photos which I could upload on here, all to do with us going out and food pictures, but I think I will just move forward now, although it was a nice time, the reality of the weight gain is hitting the bunny hard now
I braved it this morning and went to group. I spoke with my C yesterday and told her I have gained a lot so she knew what to expect, she was very supportive but I didn't want to stay to group today, I am still unwell. I weighed 10,10 4 weeks ago, I now weigh 12 stones :cry::cry::cry:. I've lost my 5.5 stone award, I am now back at 4 stones
I'm a complete failure, I wont get to target by the end of this year now as I had hoped. Well done for screwing it up for yourself for another year Kay !AGAIN !! Every year I make promises to myself and FAIL ! I seem to have lost the will to fight anymore :sigh:. Maybe I will never be that slim person I believed I could be
. I will always be fat and that's it !
Sorry for the doom and gloom post peeps. I just don't feel ready to be on any plan right now. I'm sorry for letting you guys down, I know I'm not my normal self at the mo. I think I may go hide for a while till I'm ready to come out. Sorry I've not been able to catch up on diaries and thank you to those that left lovely messages on here and pm'd me. I hope to be back soon. Take care everyone, your all doing so well.
Afternoon everyone :wavey:, I think I've actually caught up on pm's and diaries now. Thank you for all your lovely posts on my diary. I think I will just post one post on here to cover all of them or you may get bored with me repeating myself in every single post
. Well in terms of progress I am not fully back on SW yet. What I'm finding is I'm fine with cooking my SW meals, I love them and actually missed them
. This week I made a SW Vegetable Tagine with couscous and today I am having Quorn Chilli Con Carne, all very yummy. What I'm struggling with is snacking between meals
. I have got so used to eating at odd times when my cousins were here that I find I always want to pick at junk between meals :sigh:. I know it will take me time to get back in the zone, that's why I am giving myself the rest of September to figure this out. I will be joining my Soup Challenge in October so hope to be ready by then
. When I was at my best and having good losses every week, I was not snacking between meals. I know I can have my SW syns, but I find when I stick to between 7-10 it works better for me. Also I think I need to go to Asda to shop for some Cheesecake ingredients, the bunny has a very strong sweet tooth which throws her off the plan regularly
, my cheesecakes are perfect in taking the edge off my stupid cravings
. I need to go buy some more muller yogurts too. Someone on here mentioned the mint after eight flavour is gorgeous, Rae Rae was that you ?
I might go buy me some. Coming back today and catching up on your diaries has been amazing ! Your are all doing so well and it is really inspiring. I hope in another 2 weeks I am in top form ready to kick some butt
. Hope your all having a lovely weekend. Speak soon. Kay xx
Hiya, just replied to you on my diary. Take your time to get back in he groove hun, you will soon get back to where you want to be. If there's anything I can do just let me know. Oh and it was me that said the mint mullers are fit, yum xx
You will get back in the zone , we both know sometimes our heads just don't want to toe the line , but we give it a breather and it sees in it's own time that we know best ,
Love ya as always xxx
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Lovely to have you back around & look after yourself as you get back to it
I can attest your cheesecakes are fabulous![]()
Yep I'm defo going to try that flavour out, I like after eight. There is also a cappuccino one which I want to try. So what did you do exactly to lose the holiday gain, do you think it was exercise ? Have you been following EE since coming back hun ? xx
Go girl you can do this. I'm with you every step of the way. Just don't chase what you had work towards what you want. xxx
So good to see you back posting Bun,sorry to hear your not quite ready to get back on it, how about doing some gentle exercise when the cravings start, and sweat the little booger on its way
It would be nice if you could do the last week of the salad challenge, as it's your (baby) so to speak, I'll join you you and I'm sure the other girls will, and we can see it out with a bang.
Just got back on plan. I didn't get weighed b4 I went but to be fair I don't think I put much, if any on whilst there. Only had 2 meals a day and was continuously walking for 12 hours a day. Got back on the wagon and drank tons of water, within 3 days I'd lost 8 pound xx
Hello Helen :hug99:, I missed you so much hun. I hope you are well and things are going well for you. Yes exercise is a good idea, I was thinking of going back to the gym this week maybe, will see how I go. I would love to do the Salad Challenge with you all one last time, I think its a fab idea Helen ! I hope Vonnie can join us too and all the other girls, Sue, L are you listening ?
Kay xx
You reminded me, I think I'm not drinking enough water, I am drinking far too much coffee instead. I need to get back into healthy habits. I feel like I've been off plan forever :sigh:, I need to go back to basics again and find my mojo, I hope I see it soon RR
. I've not had reason to celebrate on my diary in ages. It's been a while since I've done the bunny dance
Kay xx
Just settling down to watch made in Chelsea NYC , lol
Wish you were on here watching it too,
And we can have half time analysis lol, just like our TOWIE days
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