Afternoon everyone :wavey:,
Thank you all so much for your support, your such amazing friends and you've all given me brill advice to get back on track. I think the main problem was I kept focusing on the fact that I was at a 5.5 stone loss and in the 10's and to see how far away from that I have come has made me stop in my tracks

I kind of froze. I need to realise by focusing on `what could have been ' is going to stop my present. If I keep procrastinating then I will never get past that point. I think I just wanted to bury my head in the sand for a while

, I was feeling sorry for myself and over eating.
What's given me a kick up the bum is all of you and your fab advice to get started plus, my old C texted me today after such a long time, I really miss her. Funny how she knows when to contact me just when I needed a boost, she is amazing. Anyway we had a long chat, she is the main reason I lost most of my weight, my new C I have only been with very recently. She told me the same, not to look back but to look forward

. I'm starting to believe I can do this once again.
You know whenever I have lost weight in the past, the starting point has to be from a place of happiness, and self belief, I always believe that. If I am feeling down in myself then I never lose weight. I spent sometime thinking and reminding myself what I like about the new me and what I want to do with my life once I reach target. I guess somewhere I lost that connect. I am feeling more confident and I know I can do this. I'm not feeling like the kick arse bunny just yet

, but the one that wants to continue her journey has arrived thankfully

I am going to start from Monday with my Salad Challenge. My weigh in is on Thursday, I hope to get a 2lb loss if possible so I can go back into the 11's, I must get out of those 12's fast

. I will also resume gym with light exercise

looking forward to that. I have done a complete clearout of the kitchen today, there is only fruit and yogurts for sweet stuff, nothing else. All snacks have been banished

. I am loving my slow cooker. I have cooked some more yummy meals in it today. Oh and my sister loved the SW tagine I made

Today I have made an Indian curry with Veg Pilau Rice for tea. It is called `Aloo Keema ' which means potato and minced meat curry, I made mine with quorn mince so it was syn free

. Here are the pics :-
I hope you are all having a smashing week, I'm off now to catch up on diaries. Thank you all once again, I'm so lucky to have such brill friends like you guys

Hugs Kay xx