Kay's journey to health and happiness

Thanks Jess :), still woke up with some more cramps, plan on taking it easy today. Going to spend some time looking up some recipes to make for next week. Hope your having a lovely day too. I'm loving your food pics on your diary, there making me oh so hungry :p, bet the baby's well happy with the food :D .

Kay xx

hehe thanks hun, yeh he enjoys the food and kicks like mad! so much be good :p x
Hi Kay, just been catching up with your diary. So pleased to read that you are determined to get your 3 stone award next week as you seemed so down after WI. Love the look of your wraps, they look lovely, bet they tasted great. How do you make syn free raita please? Hope you are feeling better today and the cramps have gone. Keep at it my lovely, you are doing brilliantly. So you had a sts, so what, you have lost nearly 3 stone, that is amaze balls! X
Feeling good today. Just tired, never sleep properly at work. Just finished+not back in til sun :) xx

Glad your feeling better, try and get some rest hun, I can imagine it must be hard at work. Hope you get some `me' time, will pop over to your diary in a mo. Hope you have a lovely evening :) .

Kay xx
hehe thanks hun, yeh he enjoys the food and kicks like mad! so much be good :p x

Awww that's so sweet :p . Just seen your due date in your signature, he's going to be a June baby like me :D .

Kay xx
Hi Kay, just been catching up with your diary. So pleased to read that you are determined to get your 3 stone award next week as you seemed so down after WI. Love the look of your wraps, they look lovely, bet they tasted great. How do you make syn free raita please? Hope you are feeling better today and the cramps have gone. Keep at it my lovely, you are doing brilliantly. So you had a sts, so what, you have lost nearly 3 stone, that is amaze balls! X

Thanks Lindsey for your support. I'm still a bit nervous about next week, yep I really would like my 3 stone, but TOTM fairy is visiting me at the mo and tummy has bloated immensely :eek:, hope it all goes down by next Tuesday . Glad you like the wraps, do try them out they are quick to make and very yummy and their syn free :) ! I will post up the recipe for the Syn Free Raita in a mo. Hope your having a lovely day :p ! Will pop over to your diary for a good old catch up .

Kay xx
Evening Kay - sorry to hear your still not 100%. I went to Asda today into the world food aisle, they didnt have the Rajah Tandoori so ill have to go to Sainsburys :-(
Hello how's your day been? :)

Hello Cookie hun, hope your feeling better :) . I'm sure this week will be your week, silly scales :rolleyes: can never understand how they work sometimes . I guess we just have to keep the faith and keep at it. My day has involved a lot of rest, aunt flow is in full force at the mo and I've still got really bad cramps. I'm normally worse the first 3 days of my cycle, by day 4 cramps are normally gone. I will pop over to your diary in a mo, just going to post up todays eats...........
Hi everyone :) just a small tip from yesterday about the Tandoori Spice Mix .
Once you purchase the packet and open it, its best to empty the contents into a jar with a very tight lid and then put it into your store cupboard. If you leave the packet open after use and pop it in the cupboard, be ready the next morning to eat tandoori flakes instead of cornflakes when you reach for your cereal :p. Oh the power of Indian spices, lovely to smell at dinner time but never first thing in the morning :D !

For those of you who aren't able to purchase this from your local supermarket, Amazon also sell it, here is the link to order it :) .

Rajah Tandoori Masala 100gms: Amazon.co.uk: Grocery

Kay xx
Aww Kay sorry about your tummy cramps! I'm lucky I don't always get them but I've had some tonight & it hurt something terrible but then it was followed by a visit from the PF. That's twice today since wi!

Thanks for the tip about the rajah spice & the link too. If I hadn't been so defeated earlier, I'd have bought it today :( I'm really looking forward to cooking it, :)
Syn Free Cucumber Raita Recipe :)

This goes perfect with the wraps !

IMG_0826 - Copy.JPG


1 tbsp. lemon juice
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp red chilli flakes
1/2 large cucumber diced finely
1 tsp cumin powder
250g fat free yogurt
fresh coriander to garnish


Mix all the spices and lemon juice into the yogurt. Now add the finely diced Cucumber. Garnish with red chilli flakes and fresh coriander. Leave to set in the fridge for 30 mins for a more aromatic flavour.
Thanks Lindsey for your support. I'm still a bit nervous about next week, yep I really would like my 3 stone, but TOTM fairy is visiting me at the mo and tummy has bloated immensely :eek:, hope it all goes down by next Tuesday . Glad you like the wraps, do try them out they are quick to make and very yummy and their syn free :) ! I will post up the recipe for the Syn Free Raita in a mo. Hope your having a lovely day :p ! Will pop over to your diary for a good old catch up .

Kay xx

Hi - I'm sure ur taking ur own advice and drinking plenty of water - hopefully ur fluid retention will have gone by Tues?

I'm enjoying reading ur diary and will try to catch up on a few more pages later! Have a good day 2moro!
Syn Free Cucumber Raita Recipe :)

This goes perfect with the wraps !

View attachment 125830


1 tbsp. lemon juice
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp red chilli flakes
1/2 large cucumber diced finely
1 tsp cumin powder
250g fat free yogurt
fresh coriander to garnish


Mix all the spices and lemon juice into the yogurt. Now add the finely diced Cucumber. Garnish with red chilli flakes and fresh coriander. Leave to set in the fridge for 30 mins for a more aromatic flavour.

Mmmmmm - will be trying that v soon - 'like' not appeared yet and I've got a memory like a sieve so won't remember to revisit - so here's a home-made one - LIKE!
Todays Eats


Breakfast -
x2 Quorn Bacon Slices- 2 syns
Egg - free
Salad - free
Olives 0.5 syns
1 tbsp. Ex L Mayo 1 syn
25g Primula Cheese & Chive Spread 2.5 syns

Snack -
x1 apple with muller ff custard - free

Lunch -
Chicken Tikka Kebab Sticks with Cucumber Raita - ALL SYN FREE (if u swap olives for bell peppers, but I love olives :p) !
I managed to still have some chicken tikka pieces left from yesterday - I did mention they are very versatile, you can make so many different meals with them :) !


Quorn Tikka pieces - free
Olives 1 syn
Cherry Tomatoes - free
Cucumber Chunks - free
x2 Laughing Cow Light Triangles (hea)
Cucumber Raita - free

Dessert -
Mixed Fruit Cheescake

IMG_0831.jpg IMG_0832.jpg

x2 Alpen Light Double Choc Bars (heb)
Half tub of Quark - free
x1 Milk Choc Options 2 syns
Mixed Fruit - free

Drinks -
Robinsons nas squash - free
x3 Detox Tea
2L of water

Evening Kay - sorry to hear your still not 100%. I went to Asda today into the world food aisle, they didnt have the Rajah Tandoori so ill have to go to Sainsburys :-(

Hi Sheila, hope your well hun, I have just now posted an amazon link, if they aren't available at your local Sainsbury's :). Will pop over to your diary in a mo.

Kay xx
You're so efficient kay, love that you have put the amazon link on :)

Sorry you're still feelin crappy xx

Thanks RR, always happy to help :p ! I'm feeling a bit better now thanks :) .

Kay xx
Aww Kay sorry about your tummy cramps! I'm lucky I don't always get them but I've had some tonight & it hurt something terrible but then it was followed by a visit from the PF. That's twice today since wi!

Thanks for the tip about the rajah spice & the link too. If I hadn't been so defeated earlier, I'd have bought it today :( I'm really looking forward to cooking it, :)

It's always the way Cookie, the flippin pf always arrives after weigh in lol :p, nevermind it will all help for next week. Yep hope you do buy and try, you will love the wraps :) . I hope your feeling better now and I know you will have a great week next week ! Just keep drinking lots.

...I mean water :D

Kay xx
Hi - I'm sure ur taking ur own advice and drinking plenty of water - hopefully ur fluid retention will have gone by Tues?

I'm enjoying reading ur diary and will try to catch up on a few more pages later! Have a good day 2moro!

Thanks Upd, it's hard to drink lots when I'm feeling so bloaty but I am trying :) . Yep hopefully the water weight will go down by next week. Thanks hope you have a good day too tomorrow :p .

Kay xx