Kay's journey to health and happiness

Todays Eats


Breakfast -
x2 Quorn Bacon Slices- 2 syns
Egg - free
Salad - free
Olives 0.5 syns
1 tbsp. Ex L Mayo 1 syn
25g Primula Cheese & Chive Spread 2.5 syns

Snack -
x1 apple with muller ff custard - free

Lunch -
Chicken Tikka Kebab Sticks with Cucumber Raita - ALL SYN FREE (if u swap olives for bell peppers, but I love olives :p) !
I managed to still have some chicken tikka pieces left from yesterday - I did mention they are very versatile, you can make so many different meals with them :) !

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Quorn Tikka pieces - free
Olives 1 syn
Cherry Tomatoes - free
Cucumber Chunks - free
x2 Laughing Cow Light Triangles (hea)
Cucumber Raita - free

Dessert -
Mixed Fruit Cheescake

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x2 Alpen Light Double Choc Bars (heb)
Half tub of Quark - free
x1 Milk Choc Options 2 syns
Mixed Fruit - free

Drinks -
Robinsons nas squash - free
x3 Detox Tea
2L of water


Food looks gorgeous today love - I know where to come for tea lol xx
Food looks gorgeous today love - I know where to come for tea lol xx

Your most welcome Sheila, anytime your in London :D .

Kay xx
Your food looks delicious Kay :drool:wish you were in Manchester I'd be round double quick or is the party at yours in London? Xx
Your food looks delicious Kay :drool:wish you were in Manchester I'd be round double quick or is the party at yours in London? Xx

Your all welcome to come to mine :p otherwise I'd have to carry my spice cupboard all the way to Manchester :D hehe !

Kay xx
Syn Free Cucumber Raita Recipe :)

This goes perfect with the wraps !

View attachment 125830


1 tbsp. lemon juice
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp red chilli flakes
1/2 large cucumber diced finely
1 tsp cumin powder
250g fat free yogurt
fresh coriander to garnish


Mix all the spices and lemon juice into the yogurt. Now add the finely diced Cucumber. Garnish with red chilli flakes and fresh coriander. Leave to set in the fridge for 30 mins for a more aromatic flavour.

oohh that sounds good. I usually make onion, cucumber and lettuce mint mix for most curries or even salads, but going to try this as like to try different :D

Your previous reply too, yep due 2nd June,.. Crazy thing is my son birthday is 1st June!!!!!
oohh that sounds good. I usually make onion, cucumber and lettuce mint mix for most curries or even salads, but going to try this as like to try different :D

Your previous reply too, yep due 2nd June,.. Crazy thing is my son birthday is 1st June!!!!!

Aww that's so sweet, they'll both celebrate their birthdays in the same month :D . Glad you like the Raita recipe Jess, its syn free, do give it a go its lovely to go with all curries and as a snack with veg sticks or popadoms :) .

Kay xx
I think I'm going to hit the pillow now ladies, feeling a bit tired . Hope to speak to you all tomorrow. Night night :) .

Kay xx
Aww that's so sweet, they'll both celebrate their birthdays in the same month :D . Glad you like the Raita recipe Jess, its syn free, do give it a go its lovely to go with all curries and as a snack with veg sticks or popadoms :) .

Kay xx
I think I'm going to hit the pillow now ladies, feeling a bit tired . Hope to speak to you all tomorrow. Night night :) .

Kay xx

i so will. Il report back when i have too. :)

Have a good night xx
Morning everyone :) . I'm confused.com :confused: this morning. I've been looking into buying one of these exercise machines called `vibration plates or power plates .' I have been reading lots of reviews about them online, most of them are very positive. There are so many different types out there, its hard to decide which one to go for. However after spending a lot of time researching, I have narrowed down on one. The benefits are, it doesn't take much space in my room, its ment to be excellent for toning your body, its also good for weightloss but its more for toning. People that have bought it said its really help them with joint pain and back pain which I have both. They've also reported inch losses more than weightloss on the scales. I am ok with that because I have SW to help me with the weightloss. I feel the two combined will work well together.

I always worry that when I get to target, I don't want to be flabby but nice and toned. For that reason I feel I need to start now. I do have gym membership but to be honest, I know what I'm like, I probably only use it in the summer months, which we just about have 4 lol, the rest of the year I get a bit lazy and in the winter months, I just can't get myself to go. So I'm thinking once I get the machine to cancel my gym membership. I hope to use it at least 5 days out of 7 and since it will be in my room, I know I will make use of it.

I know some salons have them and charge an awful lot for a half hour session. Just wanted to know if anyone on here has ever used `vibration/power plates ', would really appreciate your feedback :) .

Here is the one I am eyeing up to purchase on Amazon, still not sure yet.

Here is a video link to what the machines can do, been watching these all day on utube too, to help me decide.


Kay xx
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Hmm Kay, I have to be honest. My friend once hired one of these for 6 months and I would use it whenever I went round (almost every day). I can't remember it making much of a difference to be truthful. Although if there are lots of good reviews out there then it must do something! Maybe the one she hired wasn't as good as the ones you have been researching xx
Hmm Kay, I have to be honest. My friend once hired one of these for 6 months and I would use it whenever I went round (almost every day). I can't remember it making much of a difference to be truthful. Although if there are lots of good reviews out there then it must do something! Maybe the one she hired wasn't as good as the ones you have been researching xx

Thanks PS for your feedback, I've heard some people say that too in the reviews that it only helps a little with weightloss but its more for toning up. I guess it won't do for me what all the machines do for me at the gym :rolleyes: . It's a lot of money for me since I'm not working at the mo, will be using some of my savings, but don't want to buy it and end up regretting it. I was planning on getting it around Easter time. Maybe I will continue reading up more reviews :confused: . Then I thought maybe I should go for a few sessions at a salon and then decide. Hmm decisions decisions. I know some women said they have lost lots in inches since using it. Anyway I guess I have till Easter to decide. Thanks PS :).

Kay xx
Hello Kay, we have them at my gym, I'm not keen to be honest, I've only used it a couple of times, I just didn't like how to me it felt as if my joints & bones were rattling.
I know what you mean about training in the winter months though. Just be careful if you get one it doesn't then become a clothes hanger after a couple of months :)
I've used them a few times at the gym. Had an instruction session on one once. I think if you use it for long enough and accompany it with squatting, lunges etc it may help a little bit. It won't help with weight loss as such but you already seem to know that so shouldn't be too disappointed. Only tip is, don't close your teeth together because they rattle in your head!!
Hi kay
Dont know if this will work never done it on phone b4.
Ive not mentioned it b4 but got the vibropower machine from idealworld for christmas. I was kind of embarrassed to be honest.
I personally love it i use it for 10min first thing and 10 min b4 bed mon-fri. Obviously been doing SW too but the statistics on my signature show what cm loss i had in jan. I have horrible thighs very cellulity and they honestly are feeling smoother. I cant say if its the machine itself but with everything together i think it works and it gives me energy to get going in the morning and relaxes all my muscles at night. It does take some getting used to, it could make u feel sea sick to start with.
As i say at idealworld they often put these on offer and have a flexipay too. Hope this link works.


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Thank you everyone for your input regarding the `vibration plate ' I think I need a bit more time to think about it. I have read more reviews since and think maybe it won't make much difference to my weightloss, so not sure now, will see. The other option is of course to use the money towards a new `Actifry' now there's an idea :D !

Kay xx....posting todays eats in a bit.....