Hellohope your feeling a little less stressed than normal but I agree with cheese thief. I'm out for tea so I'll cu later xx
Sending hugs ,
It's awful wen we get days like this ,
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Evening Kay - all I will say is you won't allow yourself to go back to the "old" you - Good luck for WI hun x
Good luck for tomorrow. I am sure you have nothing to worry about but fingers crossed for you.
Thanks so much Sheila. What I don't understand is, so many of us I have heard on here stick with the plan 100% and really work hard then why do the scales show a sts or just half pound at the end of the week, it makes no sense? (and I'm not talking about TOTM week, that's understandable, but on a normal week ?) sorry for the rant
Kay xx
Our bodies are weird Kay -I wish I had the answers hun. Sometimes we have 100% weeks and lose a tiny amount and then the weeks we go OTT we lose!! Thats backwards for ya lol. I really do think we put too much pressure on ourselves, I've stopped "stressing" about WI day cos at the end of the day I know ive done my best and cant do anymore.
The next step would be to throw my scales but I know that's not going to happen lol
Hi Kay,
Just wanted to give you a big :bighug:and I wish I had a magic wand which would take away your anxiety about WI tomorrow. We are often so hard on ourselves - our self-talk is horrible and negative and worse than anything we'd say to our worst enemies! If you STS tomorrow, or even show a small gain try talking to yourself in the way that your minis friends would talk to you. We wouldn't be calling you all the nasty names we could think of....you'd get a big group hug and 110% positive thoughts for the week to come.
H xx
Can't really say more than everyone else has. But big hugs to you and good luck for tomorrow, whatever the result it's just a number and you are a lot more than just a number x
Thanks Sheila, you are right there's no predicting what can happen day of weigh in even if you've had a 100% week so no point in stressing. But I feel if I was only 1 stone away from target it would be easy for me to relax a little, but since I am almost 4 stones away every week is important to me. I don't expect huge losses each week that is unrealistic but if I've been 100% then I don't mind even half a pound as long as its a loss and not a sts or gain, but I know that doesn't always happen. I guess I have to just keep pulling along :sigh: . I've made myself a huge cup of peppermint tea so I don't have any bloating tomorrow morning.
PS. Kathryn please can you send the pf to me in the morning.
Kay xx
Oh Kay - you're expressing the way that many of us feel - I often think that my weight problem is more to do what's in my head cos that's what controls what goes in my mouth!
You're striving so hard to lose the weight and you have to agree you're doing really well?!
Understandably u're expecting ur efforts to show on the scales every week - but as others have said - unfortunately it doesn't always happen. But we all know if we carry on the weight will go in the end whilst if we give up.............
Try to be kinder to yourself and I really hope ur WI goes wellx