Evening everyone, sorry I'm late

. My sister called me this morning it was her day off, she said lets go shopping and dragged me to cheer me up she knew I was down about my appointment. Bad idea

I ended up spending £50 on sale stuff which I can't return back and when I came home I tried the stuff on, only less then half look good on me. I obviously think I'm smaller then I am. I don't care what anyone says but the truth is I am FAT ! :cry::cry: Nothing looks good on me. I can see all my lumps and bumps, its horrible !

I hate clothes shopping ! I hate it ! It's pissed me off so much that I've decided I want to change my target ! I will still be FAT at 10 stone, I'm going back to my original choice of 9 stones ! My arms and my stomach are ridiculous compared to the rest of my body which is much smaller. I can even fit into some 12's but they get stuck on my arms and wont go down ! Even some 14's are tight on my bloody arms ! grrrrrrrr If I buy a size 16 then my arms are fine but it swings around my flippin waist which can fit into a 12 ! What a bloody joke my body has become ! And shall I tell you all why this has happened ?? This has happened because I haven't been allowed to go GYM !!
This is why I am MAD at the hospital and the whole situation. I have had to stay away from exercise for ages and now my body is all out of proportion ! If I had been allowed, I would have worked with a trainer on my problem areas so that when I get to target, I would have a nice flat stomach and toned arms. I have spoken to the trainer at the gym, and for the arms I need to do weights which my surgeon says I am not allowed to do ! :cry:. I am fed up of resting. I have got a bloody good mind to join the gym again tomorrow !
Sorry for rant peeps

, thank you for all your lovely posts today I will reply to them soon. I normally allow everyone one day off in the week from the challenge if they need it, I have taken today as my day off from the challenge, I really needed it

we ate out and I wasn't able to do my water intake for the challenge. I will be back on it tomorrow promise. I don't think I'm going to go clothes shopping ever again ! Not until I get to 9 stone !
I'm going to the challenge thread now, to see how everyone is doing, I better put my smiley face back on

, catch u all in a bit.
Kay xx